Phala Phala report: NDZ calls for Cyril Ramaphosa to step aside

Minister Dr Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma and President Cyril Ramaphosa. Picture: Bhekikhaya Mabaso African News Agency (ANA)

Minister Dr Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma and President Cyril Ramaphosa. Picture: Bhekikhaya Mabaso African News Agency (ANA)

Published Dec 1, 2022


Dr Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, a senior member of the ANC NEC (national executive committee), has called on President Cyril Ramaphosa to immediately step aside following the damning findings by an independent panel investigating the Phala Phala farm scandal.

Dlamini Zuma made the call while speaking on the JJ Tabane show Power to Truth on eNCA on Wednesday evening.

Dlamini Zuma’s call also come amid mounting pressure for Ramaphosa to resign or face an impeachment process having been found to have violated several sections of the country’s revered and sacred Constitution over how he handled the Phala Phala matter that dates back to February 2020.

On Wednesday evening the National Assembly (Parliament) made public the report of the Judge Sandile Ngcobo-led panel on the matter.

The panel found that Ramaphosa may have violated several sections of the Constitution and that he has a case to answer.

After the report was made public, ActionSA issued a statement and called on the embattled Ramaphosa to resign or face impeachment.

“As such, Mr Ramaphosa must resign or face impeachment without further (delay).

“South Africa cannot afford more years of another president with criminal charges to answer for at a time when our country needs ethical leadership,” the party led by Herman Mashaba said.

It said that it has always maintained that Ramaphosa’s conduct regarding the matter was criminal.

“He should vacate his office and spare the country any further humiliation of his creation.

“We have also maintained that there is no ‘good ANC’ or ‘bad ANC’ – that the ANC is a criminal enterprise, and our position has been vindicated by this latest development.

“South Africans deserve a president whose leadership is beyond reproach and after Jacob Zuma, now Cyril, it is clear that ethical leadership cannot be found in the ANC.”