World Teacher’s Day: A tribute to teachers, who sacrificed life and limb, during the Covid-19 pandemic

SOUTH AFRICA - Cape Town - 01 June 2020 - Grade 7 students at Nerina Primary school in Bonteheuwel return back to school today after a 2 month long break as a result of Covid-19 and the lockdown. Teachers and students take extra precautions at the school. Picture:Brendan Magaar/African News Agency (ANA)

SOUTH AFRICA - Cape Town - 01 June 2020 - Grade 7 students at Nerina Primary school in Bonteheuwel return back to school today after a 2 month long break as a result of Covid-19 and the lockdown. Teachers and students take extra precautions at the school. Picture:Brendan Magaar/African News Agency (ANA)

Published Oct 5, 2022


Chika Sehoole

The Covid-19 virus which was discovered in Wuhan, China, mutated into a pandemic status by 11 March 2020.

The South African government declared a national shutdown effective from March 27, 2020.

This brought the operations of all private and public institutions to a halt. By mid-April 192 countries across the globe had closed their schools and universities affecting about 1.6 billion learnings and students.

This was something unprecedented and was last experienced about a century ago with the outbreak of the Spanish flu.

For almost three months there was no teaching taking place in many public schools.

In the middle of the pandemic when it was dangerous to be in contact with people, including family members, teachers had to brave the alert level three conditions to return school to resume their teaching and learning activities.

Public schools were only able to resume teaching at the beginning of July after the alert level four was reduced to level 3. This posed a number of challenges for teachers.

With the loss of teaching and learning time, there were learning gaps among the learners which teachers had to contend with.

This required some catch-up and extra lessons to be organized to close these learning gaps. However, the restrictions that were imposed during the different levels of the pandemic did not assist the catch-up programme.

Because of contagious nature of the virus, government imposed social distancing in classrooms that had to be observed.

Given the restrictive class sizes, schools were forced to introduce a rotation system where learners came to school every alternate day.

In some grades, learners came to school only once a month, which exacerbated the loss of teaching time and learning gaps among learners.

According the World Economic Forum, the pandemic has caused severe disruptions to many education systems.

An estimated 147 million learners missed out over half of in-person teaching in 2020 and 2021.

As a result, this generation of children could lose $17 trillion in lifetime earnings.

The United Nations advises that governments must implement ambitious programmes to recover learning losses.

The resumption of some forms of contact teaching posed some risks for teachers who had comorbidities.

Consequently, these teachers were exempted from coming to work, and thereby contributing to the loss of teaching and learning times.

In her 2022/2023 budget vote, Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga mentioned that at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic about 3 300 teachers died due to the virus.

On this world teachers day, we remember the heroics of teachers who braved the pandemic to keep teaching and learning going.

They risked their lives to use public transport to go into schools.

They went into unsafe schools and classroom environments, where the numbers of infected learners and teachers were increasing, in order to ensure that teaching and learning takes place.

There are many in our society who failed to appreciate the precarious situation these teachers faced.

Instead of empathising with them for the difficulties they faced, some arm-chair warming commentators kept on asking hard questions about the quality of teaching and learning these teachers were offering under those conditions.

Yes, there are times when such questions are important and need to be raised, but in a war-like situation that the world faced, it is also prudent for the focus to shift on saving lives, rather than winning the war.

That is what the teachers were involved in.

Can you imagine the catastrophe of having to lose the academic year, what impact it would have on the current and future generations, on the economy and the overall socio-economic development of the country? Thanks, to teachers who put their lives on the line to avert this catastrophe.

The value of teachers

Despite the criticism they get from society, teachers are very valuable as educators.

They equip learners with the knowledge, skills and ways of thinking and working needed for their future lives as leaders, entrepreneurs, scholars, innovators and workers in different vocations.

They inspire students to achieve great things. Even in the midst of the pandemic, teachers had to support and inspire learners to be resilient, to aspire to achieve greater things in life, including passing the grades they were in.

The matric class of 2020 is now in its second year at various institutions of higher learning this year, and those doing three year programmes will be completing their degrees or diplomas next year 2023.

Thanks to the guidance, support, encouragement they was received from teachers.

It needs to be appreciated that teaching is not an 8 hours job with some few weeks of holidays.

Teaching entails working long hours before and after school planning, marking and connecting with parents.

It’s learning from colleagues and sharing good practices. It entails attending professional development programmes and upgrading of qualifications in order to be remain relevant in your profession.

It’s sport and other activities after school or on the weekends. It’s organising and attending camps, school trips, award events and parent nights. Some of these activities had to continue and the effort put into them had to tripled during the pandemic.

In an attempt to make up for the learning losses, many schools around the country extended their teaching activities into the weekend.

Thanks to the teachers and school principals who are making these sacrifices to ensure that the learners are better prepared for the future that lies ahead.

Yes, our education system is characterised by inequalities in terms of allocation of resources and the quality of teaching and learning that takes place in these schools.

Our society, is the most unequal in the world. But there are men and women who wake up every morning to move into the these under-resourced schools and classrooms, who in the past two year braved the pandemic to ensure that the academic year is not lost.

Some of them their lost the battle to Covid-19 with their boots on. On this world teachers day, we would like to say to our teachers, your sacrifices are not going on unnoticed.

Know that we appreciate your efforts and want to wish you a happy World Teachers’ Day.

** Chika Sehoole is the Dean of the Faculty of Education at the University of Pretoria.

** The views expressed herein are not necessarily those of Independent Media.