I am going to stay in politics, says Patricia de Lille

Former Cape Town mayor Patricia de Lille announced she is staying in politics. Picture: Courtney Africa/African News Agency/ANA

Former Cape Town mayor Patricia de Lille announced she is staying in politics. Picture: Courtney Africa/African News Agency/ANA

Published Nov 18, 2018


Cape Town - Former Cape Town mayor Patricia de Lille announced she is staying in politics. 

De Lille took a two-week break after quitting the Democratic Alliance and relinquishing her mayoral chain.

But it is understood that she was busy with the formation of a political party, to contest the general elections next year.

But the name of the party is still a matter of contention whether on reviving the Independent Democrats - the genesis of her career.

A check on the Independent Electoral Commission shows that De Lille is the contact person for the party.

Video: Courtney Africa/ANA

It also indicated that the ID is still a registered party and that the website is still active.

The contact number for the party is also registered in De Lille’s name.

“I am still going to stay in politics. As things stand now we are still busy with analysing some data and checking whether the ID name still holds collateral. This will determine whether the party’s name will be changed or not,” she said.

“We will be putting people first and not sit in our parliamentary offices,” she said.

She said that she has been travelling around the province and meeting people.

“The last time we left the ID was some time ago. We need to see whether the name will work or if a change is needed. We went to go and consult various people, we have analysed some data from Ipsos. That is all going to determine the direction we are going to take, but we will remain in politics. That’s for sure,” she said.

In 2010, the ID and DA merged and that led to the DA governing almost all municipalities in the Western Cape and the provincial government in 2009.

The party will officially be launched in January 2019.

Cape Argus and Weekend Argus

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