WATCH: Adorable toddler crashes the party by joining a random family at restaurant

In the video, the child, Eliana, is munching away at the food and looks like she does not have a care in the world. Screenshot: Instagram

In the video, the child, Eliana, is munching away at the food and looks like she does not have a care in the world. Screenshot: Instagram

Published May 22, 2024


Influencer and mom, Jaundre Wilken and her daughter were out at an Ocean’s Basket restaurant enjoying their meal when the toddler did the unthinkable.

She left her mother speechless when she simply trotted over to another family at a table close to theirs, sat with them and started munching on their food with no worries.


What would have proved to be a faux pas (an embarrassing or tactless act or remark in a social situation) or even disrespect if an adult did it, became a cute and viral moment for not only the mom, but other people at the eatery as well.

In the video, the child, Eliana, is munching away at the food and looks like she does not have a care in the world and is simply doing something extraordinarily normal.

Funnily, the family played along and simply treated her like she was one of their own children and offered her food, and even asked if she wanted more.

“POV: You go to a restaurant and your child joins another family,” the mother wrote on Instagram.

She said her daughter had simply humbled her.

She said: “The mama kept asking Eliana ‘do you want some fish?’ ‘more chips?’ ‘would you like some sauce? and even pa (the father) was so welcoming.”

Apparently such things are commonplace with toddlers, she added.

The video has over 5.9 million views, 360,000 likes and well over 56,000 shares along, with over 3,000 comments.