Going to the beach? Be wary of spring tides warns the NSRI

An NSRI pink rescue buoy ready for use at a beach. File photo: NSRI

An NSRI pink rescue buoy ready for use at a beach. File photo: NSRI

Published Dec 25, 2023


The National Sea Rescue Institute (NSRI) has issued a national safety alert as the full moon spring tide increases toward the peak of spring tide.

The peak is on Wednesday, December 27, during the full moon.

The NSRI appeals to bathers, boaters, paddlers, sailors, anglers, and coastal hikers to be cautious around the coastline.

The NSRI spokesperson, Craig Lambinon said the public at beaches and along the coastline will experience the two daily high tides which will be noticeably higher than normal, and the two daily low tides which will noticeably be lower than normal.

He said stronger than normal rip currents will occur at places around the coastline.

“Swim at beaches protected by lifeguards.Inland water users are also urged to be cautious - although not affected by Spring tide on inland waters - the increase in water-related emergencies is of concern. We are appealing to everyone in and around coastal and inland waterways to have safety top of mind,” Lambinon said.

He said the NSRI pink rescue buoys stationed around South Africa on coastal and inland waters are proving beyond any doubt their value to aid bathers who get into difficulty.

“NSRI pink rescue buoys are now responsible for contributing to 176 lives saved around the coastline (that we know of) after four incidents over the past two days – at Jeffreys Bay, Mossel Bay, and Kleinmond, has seen a further seven bathers lives saved in bystander Good Samaritan rescues with the aid of the NSRI pink rescue buoys.

“All in-water rescues have been successful and no harm has come to any rescuers who have used an NSRI pink rescue buoy to help someone in distress and in danger of drowning,” Lambinon said.
