Durban school devastated by KZN floods appeals for help

Published May 20, 2022


A Durban high school is appealing for community assistance as it continues to rebuild after last month's devastating rains.

Brettonwood High School was badly hit by the April floods.

“Our school is situated in a valley and has a river running alongside. The river overflowed onto the premises, flooding and damaging all infrastructure in its wake, mainly on the ground floor. The fence surrounding the school has collapsed. Both school vehicles were flooded. The swimming pool and fields were filled and covered with mud.

“The archives room was flooded and all records destroyed. The water level reached a height of about 2 meters in the rooms on the ground floor, which included classrooms, the school hall and offices," explained principal Ellen Zizhou.

Learners and the Brettonwood High school staff took it upon themselves to help clean the school which is one of the schools that were badly flooded in the KZN Province. Picture:Tumi Pakkies/African News Agency(ANA)

She said there was also extensive damage to desks, chairs and office furniture.

A call was made via a local community Facebook group, and those wanting to assist can contact Sue Jacobson on 083 777 8035.

Here is a list of what they need:

A4 and A3 reams of paper

Lever Arch files



Hard cover books - 2 quire

Exam pads

Flip files

45 degree rulers

Large marlin compasses



72 Page exercise books

Whiteboard markers







Buff Tape


Learner desks

Learner Chairs

Teacher tables

Teacher Chairs

Office Chairs

Office Tables

Cupboards for filing

Trophy Cabinets

Sick room bed


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kzn floods