Controversial stunt: AfriForum Jeug claims responsibility for 'No Whites Allowed' stickers at Tuks

AfriForum’s youth wing has claimed responsibility for placing ‘Blacks Only’ and ‘No Whites Allowed’ stickers at the University of Pretoria’s Hatfield campus. Picture: X

AfriForum’s youth wing has claimed responsibility for placing ‘Blacks Only’ and ‘No Whites Allowed’ stickers at the University of Pretoria’s Hatfield campus. Picture: X

Published Oct 10, 2023


The youth wing of civil rights organisation AfriForum has claimed responsibility for a public relations stunt that caused huge uproar at the University of Pretoria’s Hatfield campus on Monday.

AfriForum Jeug plastered “No Whites Allowed” stickers at the entrances of the Tuks campus saying they were forced to take drastic measures to put the spotlight on what they called racial exclusion and the university’s double standards.

The University of Pretoria issued a statement strongly condemning the PR stunt “by mischievous individuals”, saying the institution were also “deeply disappointed”.

“The University is firmly committed to upholding the principles of non-discrimination and diversity,” the university said.

“We will take immediate disciplinary action against those responsible for defacing the University's property, and advocating for racism in an institution of higher learning dedicated to the education and transformation of South Africa.”

However, shortly after Tuks released the statement, the AfriForum Jeug claimed responsibility on social media platform, X.

This act was a retaliation and AfriForum Jeug’s attempt to take drastic measures to highlight what they deemed as racial discrimination and the university's inconsistent standards.

In September, members of the Economic Freedom Fighters student command were suspended from participating in the Student Representative Council (SRC) elections after a protest erupted on campus. During this protest, EFF members allegedly intimidated white and coloured students, chanting that only black students were allowed.

Subsequent to this incident, AfriForum Jeug urged the University to de-register the EFF Student Command.

In a series of posts on X, AfriForum's campaign officer, Louis Boshoff, expressed frustration, saying that they had sent numerous letters to Tuks management that went unanswered. Boshoff mentioned that this frustration led their members to adopt an alternative approach to seek answers.

Boshoff criticised the university's swift reaction to their placing “No Whites Allowed” and “Blacks Only” stickers protest, "while those who are guilty of actual racial exclusion bear no consequences for their actions“.

In its statement, Tuks said South Africa's history was marked by a complex legacy of systemic discrimination, and as a society, we were actively working to redress these historical injustices.

“Our university plays an integral role in this endeavour, striving to create an inclusive and equitable environment for everyone. We encourage constructive dialogue and engagement to address concerns related to racial issues, and we remain committed to fostering an atmosphere of respect and understanding within our institution,” the institution said.