Worcester couple in court for human trafficking, possession of child porn

The couple face charges of human trafficking and possession of child pornography. File Photo: Pixabay

The couple face charges of human trafficking and possession of child pornography. File Photo: Pixabay

Published Aug 5, 2022


Cape Town - A Western Cape couple appeared in the Worcester Magistrate’s Court on charges of human trafficking and the possession of child pornography on Thursday.

The husband made his first appearance, while his wife who is a pastor made her second appearance.

She first appeared in court in mid-July.

At the time, her legal representative withdrew from the case and the woman told the court she would be appointing a new attorney.

A total of 15 charges were brought against her at the time.

According to the Western Cape spokesperson for the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA), Eric Ntabazalila, the state has added more charges.

“The Worcester couple charged with human trafficking and possession of child pornography appeared at the Worcester magistrates court today. It was the husband's first appearance. The state added five new charges bringing (the total to) 20 charges,” Ntabazalila said.

The couple is set to make a formal bail application.

“Their case was postponed until 11 August 2022 for the attorney to consult with the accused to obtain instructions on all the charges and to determine a new date for their bail application,” Ntabazalila said.
