School transport driver behind bars for rape of girl, 5

The five-years-old was sworn to secrecy after the alleged rape, but she went straight home and told her mother. File Picture: Independent Newspapers

The five-years-old was sworn to secrecy after the alleged rape, but she went straight home and told her mother. File Picture: Independent Newspapers

Published Apr 12, 2024


A 39-year-old man is expected back in the Nphuno Magistrate’s Court in Limpopo next week after he allegedly raped a five-year-old girl.

The suspect, a school transport driver, allegedly raped the young girl on Monday, April 8, in Hlabine village in Maake.

Provincial police spokesperson, Colonel Malesela Ledwaba said the man was arrested a day after the incident.

He made a brief court appearance on Thursday.

“The suspect reportedly raped the child after picking her up from school. He reportedly dropped off the other children as usual, and instead of taking the victim straight home, he parked on the side of the road and raped her inside the vehicle,” Ledwaba said.

After raping the little girl, the suspect threatened her not to report the incident, however, as soon as she arrived at home she informed her mother about what happened.

“A case of rape was opened, which was transferred to the Family Violence, Child Protection, and Sexual Offenses (FCS) Unit for further investigation. The suspect was arrested at his residence in Hlabine Village,” Ledwaba said.

The Limpopo police commissioner, Lieutenant General Thembi Hadebe expressed shock and dismay over the rape of the five-year-old.

Hadebe reiterated the police’s commitment to safeguarding the safety of all citizens, particularly the vulnerable members of society.

The case against the suspect has been postponed until Thursday, April 18, for a formal bail application.

The police investigation continues.