Ethiopian national arrested after bribery attempt on Limpopo police officer

The suspect was arrested after allegedly offering a bribe to a police officer during a routine patrol. File Picture

The suspect was arrested after allegedly offering a bribe to a police officer during a routine patrol. File Picture

Published Sep 27, 2024


An attempt to escape justice landed a 32-year-old Ethiopian national behind bars in Malipsdrift, Limpopo, after he tried to buy his way out of trouble by allegedly offering a senior police officer cash during a routine patrol on Wednesday, September 25.

The suspect, Salita Dessalegn Takale, was arrested on the scene after offering the police an undisclosed money in an attempt to avoid arrest.

While investigating a local spaza shop, the police asked the man to provide his identity. Takale produced an expired asylum-seeker document, and the officer noticed illegal cigarettes on the shop counter.

“The suspect was asked about the origin of the cigarettes but instead of responding to the question, he allegedly offered an undisclosed amount of cash to the officer not to arrest him,” said police spokesperson Colonel Malesela Ledwaba.

His actions resulted in his immediate arrest for bribery.

Takale was taken into custody and appeared in the Thabamoopo Magistrate's Court on Thursday, September 26, where he was granted R1,000 bail.

“Takale was instructed by the court to make his second appearance on October 23, and also sign the attendance register every Tuesday at 7am at SAPS Malipsdrift,” said Ledwaba.

The arrest is part of ongoing efforts by police to combat bribery and corruption, particularly in local businesses. The police investigation into the incident is still ongoing.