‘Cruel’ killer jailed for life for murdering his girlfriend and dumping her body

Sithobele Qebe was sentenced in the Paarl Regional Court. File Picture

Sithobele Qebe was sentenced in the Paarl Regional Court. File Picture

Published Aug 15, 2024


A murderer from Paarl in the Western Cape has been sentenced in the Paarl Regional Court.

Sithobele Qebe pleaded guilty to the murder of his girlfriend, Siphokazi Booi, 27, obstructing the administration of justice, assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm (GBH), desecrating a corpse, and contravening his bail condition.

The couple lived together in Ntshamba Street in White City, Mbekweni.

The court heard that on September 3, 2021, Booi told her boyfriend she was heading to her friends to have drinks that afternoon. He claims this resulted in an argument as he knew once each of them drank, it would lead to friction and arguments. Qebe said he did not want Booi visiting her friends, but she went ahead.

Family at the scene where Siphokazi Booi’s burnt body was found. File Picture: Ayanda Ndamane / Independent Newspapers

The court heard Booi returned home with a friend, and in his plea explanation, Qebe claimed Booi’s friend taunted him, stating she had found another love interest who was taking better care of her than he was.

This angered him but he remained silent at the time. The trio had supper, and then Booi and her friend left, presumably to have more drinks.

When Booi returned home, the court heard, Qebe did not open the door and she gained entry to the home through the window.

Siphokazi Booi was murdered by her cruel boyfriend. Picture: Supplied

The pair started arguing and fighting and Qebe said she struck him first and tore his T-shirt. In his plea explanation, he further stated he got angry and kicked his girlfriend four times in her stomach, causing her to fall and vomit through the mouth and nose. He saw she was in serious pain, disoriented and that she was holding her stomach. Qebe grabbed her, threw her out of the house and saw her crouching against the wall. He went to sleep.

Hours later when he woke up, Qebe said he found Booi in the same position and unresponsive. He then placed her body in a wheelie bin and dumped it on a burning dump site, hoping the flames would engulf the bin and her body as he feared authorities may discover his crime.

However, the court heard prior to Booi’s murder, on August 7, 2021, Qebe was arrested for assaulting and biting her and was charged with assault GBH. Qebe was granted bail on August 11, 2021, with conditions not to contact Booi, which he violated.

During arguments of aggravation of sentence in the murder trial, State Prosecutor William da Gras called several witnesses, including medical experts, the investigating officer, as well as members of Ilitha Labantu and Action Society.

Da Gras argued Qebe knew Booi was going to give evidence against him in her assault matter, as she was the only witness in the case. For this reason, he asked the court to impose life imprisonment as the murder was premeditated.

The State also submitted a probation officer’s report in which the deceased’s aunt, Nontando Booi, expressed her anger at Qebe. She stated her niece did not deserve to die in that manner and the way she was murdered robbed the family of the opportunity to perform their cultural rites. The family is unable to find closure.

Qebe was sentenced to life imprisonment for Booi’s murder, three years direct imprisonment for obstructing the administration of justice, five years direct imprisonment for assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm, five years direct imprisonment for desecrating a corpse, and three years direct imprisonment for contravening his bail condition. The court ordered the sentences to run concurrently, effectively sentencing him to life imprisonment.

Western Cape Director of Public Prosecutions, advocate Nicolette Bell lauded the sterling work of investigating officer, She-Earl Engelbrecht and prosecutor Da Gras.

She also expressed shock at the level of gruesomeness and cruelty in this case.

“We will continue with our concerted efforts in the fight against the scourge of gender-based violence and femicide (GBV+F). That this sentencing takes place during Women’s Month is indicative of our fight to ensure the reduction of GBV+F in our communities.

“These cases provide some justice and closure to the victims and their families and remove violent criminals from our streets. It can never be over-emphasised how important human life is, and therefore we will be vigorous in our pursuit of these cases to serve as a deterrent to would-be murderers,” Bell said.
