Dodge Viper strikes back

Published Dec 2, 2010


We all thought that it was the end of the road for Dodge Viper, with the rather crude but entertaining American supercar having been killed off recently. But now the Chrysler group's done an about turn.

In an interview with Detroit News, Dodge chief Ralph Gilles confirmed that a new Viper is being developed for 2013.

And to put paid to all the speculations that are probably running through your head (now that Chrysler is in bed with Fiat), Gilles also confirmed that the new Viper will not be based on the Alfa Romeo 8C or anything in the Ferrari range. Perhaps an updated version of the old Viper's V10 is what's on the cards then? It'll sure keep purists happy.

However, Gilles did hint that the new Viper would be designed with some Fiat input as he wants it to be a more forgiving car that's easier to drive in everyday conditions. Which sounds like a nice way of saying that the big Yankee beast could do with some Italian finesse.

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