Social Development MEC Khoza welcomes decline in GBV in Bergville

GBV awareness march led by KZN MEC for Social Development Nonhlanhla Khoza. Picture: Department of Social Development

GBV awareness march led by KZN MEC for Social Development Nonhlanhla Khoza. Picture: Department of Social Development

Published Feb 2, 2023


Durban – The KwaZulu-Natal MEC for Social Development Nonhlanhla Khoza has expressed satisfaction with how gender-based violence (GBV) cases are decreasing in Bergville.

Khoza was commenting following a function in which she spoke to raise awareness about the scourge of GBV.

Khoza lauded South African Police Services (SAPS) for their active role in ensuring that GBV cases were followed through, resulting in arrests and successful prosecutions.

Khoza was joined by a delegation from the National Assembly, composed of Members of Parliament, representing the Standing Committee for Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities, and Multi-Party Women’s Caucus.

“The report I have received from the SAPS paints a very encouraging picture as perpetrators do not get away with their transgressions. Police in the Bergville area, assisted by stakeholders, who include traditional leaders, have upped their game. We are beginning to see the fruits of hard work. Perpetrators of GBVF are arrested swiftly and bail is opposed.

“It is further pleasing to hear that the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) is imposing very harsh sentences on perpetrators. This shows that our government is serious about tackling crime, mainly GBV,” Khoza said.

She said they would continue working with the police to fight GBV and said it is the responsibility of men to protect women.

“We are calling on members of the public to ensure that all those who are responsible for crimes against women and crime, in general, are put behind bars. We are here to support you, but we will not succeed if you do not help us and the police by giving information that would lead to the arrest of those who break the law. I am happy that there is good cooperation in this area. Let us continue the good work and root out crime in our society so that we can all live in peace,” said Khoza.