Sadtu says arson attack at KZN principal’s house is linked to her recent promotion

The house of Kwanogcoyi Primary School principal Barbie Mazeka was destroyed in a arson attack on Sunday. Picture: Screen grab from video.

The house of Kwanogcoyi Primary School principal Barbie Mazeka was destroyed in a arson attack on Sunday. Picture: Screen grab from video.

Published Jun 5, 2023


Durban - The South African Democratic Teachers Union (Sadtu) in KwaZulu-Natal says that the arson attack at the home of the principal of Kwanogcoyi Primary School on Sunday, is linked to her recent promotion.

In a statement released on Monday, the union called on the police and the provincial Department of Education to leave no stone unturned in investigating the arson attack at the home of Barbie Mazeka, who is also the Mzala Nxumalo regional sports, arts and culture convener.

Provincial police spokesperson Colonel Robert Netshiunda said Nongoma police were investigating charges of attempted murder, arson and malicious damage to property following an incident in which a 46-year-old woman was reportedly attacked at her place of residence on Sunday, June 4, at Esikhaleni area.

“The suspects allegedly set alight her home and damaged her property before fleeing. The motive is unknown,” said Netshiunda.

Sadtu provincial secretary Nomarashiya Caluza said Mazeka’s house was razed, and all its contents were destroyed.

“Sadtu believes the incident is linked to Comrade Mazeka’s promotion as principal of Kwanogcoyi. She assumed her position on Thursday, June 1, and on Saturday, June 4, the school’s administration block was set alight by unknown assailants. On Sunday, June 5, Comrade Mazeka’s house was set alight. The incident is the last straw that has broken the camel’s back,” she said.

Caluza said Sadtu members in the area and at the school had, for quite some time, been working in a hostile environment dominated by political interference.

“It has been made clear through action and verbally that Sadtu members were not welcome in the school,” she said. She added that the union would like to make it clear that it was the right of every teacher to belong to a union of their choice.

“It is a right of a member of Sadtu to work in a safe environment and is the duty of the employer to ensure this safety,” said Caluza.

She added that the Department of Basic Education was currently processing the Basic Education Laws Amendment Bill (Bela).

“Sadtu is looking at making proposals on the compensatory mechanisms to educators, short of litigation, for personal injury and damage to property suffered by educators in the course of their employment with the department,” she said.

Provincial Department of Education spokesperson Muzi Mahlambi said MEC Mbali Frazer condemned the arson attack on Mazeka’s home, as well as the fire at the school.

“The MEC has urged the law enforcement agencies to deal with this matter speedily so that the perpetrators can be brought to book, and we will also get to know what the motive is behind this barbaric act,” said Mahlambi.