ANC in KZN holds Palestinian solidarity march, calls for Gaza ceasefire

The ANC in KwaZulu-Natal held a Palestinian solidarity march yesterday in Durban. Picture: Supplied.

The ANC in KwaZulu-Natal held a Palestinian solidarity march yesterday in Durban. Picture: Supplied.

Published Oct 27, 2023


Durban - Hundreds of members of the public joined the ANC in KwaZulu-Natal as it held a Palestinian solidarity march in the Durban CBD yesterday.

The march was led by ANC provincial chairperson Siboniso Duma, who was joined by the party’s alliance partners the South African National Civic Organisation (Sanco) and Cosatu. The marchers called for an immediate ceasefire in “Israel’s offensive against Palestine”.

Duma said their message was clear; the ANC was always on the side of the vulnerable.

“We are saying the people of Palestine are human beings. We are standing against the oppression of Palestine.”

Duma added that it was heartbreaking to see a hospital being bombed in Palestine.

“We feel the pain of the people of Palestine as all borders of Gaza are being closed so that assistance and much- needed aid can’t be given to the people of Palestine.

“For the world to be free, everyone needs to be liberated, and that includes Palestine. We stood against oppression when the Jews from Israel were being targeted by the Nazis and now we stand with Palestine. Enough is enough. We want Palestine to be liberated.”

Cosatu KZN chairperson Phumlani Duma said they were standing in solidarity with Palestine.

“We are standing with the women and children of Palestine. They are innocent and are suffering during the attack on Palestine. We are disappointed that the United States is supporting Israel against Palestine.”

The ANC in KwaZulu-Natal held a Palestinian solidarity march yesterday in Durban. Picture: Supplied.

Richard Hlophe, Sanco president, said they would not stop the fight until Palestine was free.

“We want America to know they are no different by allowing this offensive to continue against Palestine.”

Imraan Subrathie, from United for Palestine, said: “The pain of the Palestinian people is our pain. We refuse to turn a blind eye to the destruction and the suffering they endure. We who have emerged from apartheid will continue to stand with Palestine. We as South Africans won’t stop fighting until Palestine is free.”

Subrathie added that they wanted an immediate ceasefire in Palestine.

“We want an immediate restoration of water, electricity and fuel. We demand an unrestricted commission for humanitarian aid and medical supplies to reach the civilians of Palestine. We want Israel to be charged with war crimes and rebuild all they have destroyed. They must pay compensation for Palestine, they must remove all blockades to allow for free movement of Palestine people.”

Sheikh Rafeek Hassen, from People Against Oppression, said Israel needed to stop their offensive against Palestine.

“Israel keeps saying that they have a right to defend themselves but when is it enough?

“We call on our government to take this matter to the UN so that America can withdraw from supporting Israel. So that Palestine can have their freedom.”


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