Take a moment to retreat from everyday life South African National Parks

 Take a moment to retreat from everyday life, from the city, to find peace and rejuvenation within nature’s healing embrace.

Take a moment to retreat from everyday life, from the city, to find peace and rejuvenation within nature’s healing embrace.

Published Jun 12, 2024


In true South African fashion, ‘Local is lekker’, which translates to ‘things from home are usually the best'. South African National Parks boast of having world-renowned natural getaways that not only make them easily accessible holiday destinations but also serve the purpose of participating in holistic healing. 

Immersion in nature demonstrably reduces negative emotions like anger, fear, and stress, while simultaneously fostering positive affect.  This health-giving effect extends beyond the emotional realm, contributing measurably to physical well-being. Studies have shown that exposure to natural environments can lower blood pressure, heart rate, and muscle tension, while also inhibiting the production of stress hormones.

In our fast-paced world, almost every demand creates an overstimulation for almost every human, and if left unchecked, the constant barrage of stimulation and stress can take a toll on our mental and physical well-being. However, there exists a powerful antidote readily available: the healing embrace of nature. With breathtaking landscapes and diverse wildlife, the wild is our backyard, and it offers a unique opportunity to reconnect with the natural world and experience its profound healing powers. 

Experiencing the healing powers of nature is an easily accessible activity that both local and international visitors can enjoy in the Motherland. Delving into the transformative potential of these sanctuaries will prove how immersing oneself in South Africa's natural wonders can lead to a renewed sense of peace, improved physical health, and a deeper appreciation for the world around you. 

Seeking refuge in nature, by immersing yourself in the wonder of national parks you are able to disconnect from the stresses of everyday life and reconnect with yourself, and your loved ones in seclusion. Camdeboo National Park is home to the world renowned Valley of Desolation - historic 120 metre high dolerite cliffs that overlook the vast landscape below. Absorb your surroundings as the end of the day shifts into golden red hues of sunset, reflecting off the dramatic dolerite cliffs that surround you. Embrace a moment in nature that you will look back on with awe for a lifetime ahead. 

The Karoo National Park, situated in the heart of South Africa offers the seclusion of the vast semi-desert landscapes, enveloping you in the wonder of nature. Embark on a journey into the Karoo and absorb the utter peace and tranquillity of this spectacular national park. Inhale views of the sweeping landscapes surrounding you, and fully immerse yourself in complete solitude at Afsaal Cottage. Elusive game species such as the Cape mountain zebra and the Karoo lion are waiting to be sighted. 

The incredulous natural landscapes and vistas of South African National Parks are available to us, to encounter, to experience… to become one with during a restorative journey. Take a moment to retreat from everyday life, from the city, to find peace and rejuvenation within nature’s healing embrace. 

Wild is our backyard, right here on our doorstep - waiting to welcome us with open arms. Come unwind in our very own backyard. Come and rediscover South African National Parks. Come unwind in nature with us.  

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