Hit me with your best O-Shot

In many instances the procedure can save relationships.

In many instances the procedure can save relationships.

Published Oct 10, 2014


Durban - Created by a man to enhance a woman’s sexual pleasure, the “orgasm shot” or revolutionary O-Shot was brought to South Africa recently after specialist surgeon Gideon van Wyk trained in the US with the inventor, Dr Charles Runels.

The O-Shot procedure entails having blood drawn from your arm and spun in a centrifuge machine to create platelet rich plasma (PRP), which is injected into the clitoris and vaginal walls to help the vagina tighten and become more sensitive during sex.

“The O-Shot helps women with urinary incontinence, decreases the pain of intercourse and increases natural lubrication. Most women report having more frequent and stronger orgasms and a much tighter vaginal opening.

“In many instances the procedure can save relationships. It can increase overall feminine health and change your whole life if you have given birth,” said Dr van Wyk, who is the only doctor in South Africa licensed to do the procedure.

He said the men’s sexual health market far exceeded that of women.

“The O-Shot is a step forward for women’s sexual health worldwide,” he said.

Although it’s costly, Van Wyk said the procedure was highly popular.

“The procedure costs R13 000 and can last up to two years depending on individual lifestyle. So far, we have done nearly 50 procedures. The trend is growing, especially among women over 35. We even have a waiting list,” he said.

Van Wyk said inability to have an orgasm could result from many things.

“When sex with her partner is no longer enjoyable, a woman will not make an effort to have it. They might try to please their partners in other ways, but the sexual intimacy of a relationship is lost. Many relationships fail for this reason.

“Science has shown that orgasms have mood-enhancing qualities that help combat depression. But who wants to have sex if they don’t get any pleasure out of it?”

He said as many as 30 percent of women do not experience an orgasm with their partners.

“One can argue the figure is really higher. Some women are too embarrassed or afraid to admit to partners or even themselves that they cannot have an orgasm,” said Van Wyk.

He also works with men – his P-Shot procedure is used to treat erectile and other penile dysfunctions such as Peyronie’s disease (which causes an abnormal bend). The P-Shot enables an increased blood flow within the penis, making it harder when erect, and heightens sensation.

If R13 000 is beyond your budget, a more conventional approach is to visit a life and sex coach. Jade Zwane, for one, has travelled widely to brush up on women’s health benefits from sexual liberation.

She promotes safe, liberating and empowering sexual activity to counteract negative perceptions of sexual activity.

Her aim is to give women a better understanding of sex and ensure they’re liberated and empowered to satisfy their desires.

“I think R13 000 is a lot for an orgasm when there are more affordable ways to go about it. Sex is an important part of a relationship. When it isn’t working, other parts tend to fall apart. Sometimes we romanticise orgasms and are unrealistic about our expectations.

“That said, some barriers are psychological as well as physical, in that women don’t know how to stimulate themselves to achieve orgasm,” said Jade.

She works mainly to help women have the kind of sex they desire.

“I teach them how to have sex for pleasure and how to reach an orgasm. If a couple is struggling with an important element of their relationship and want an objective viewpoint instead of giving up, they should get help,” said Jade.



1. A normal consultation is made at the doctor’s rooms. The doctor will ask about the problems you experience and then conclude whether you are a candidate for the procedure or not.

2. If you are a candidate, the doctor will draw blood from your arm. For the O-Shot procedure, the doctor will draw about 15ml of blood and for the P-Shot, he will draw about 30ml of your blood.

3. The blood is then put into a centrifuge machine which spins the blood, allowing the platelet rich plasma (PRP) to separate from the blood itself. In an average person, about 6ml of PRP will be extracted from the blood.

4. A numbing cream is applied to the penis or the vagina beforehand, allowing the patient to feel as little pain as possible during the procedure.

5. The PRP is then injected into the penis or vagina. The true effects of the procedure will only be seen about two weeks after the procedure.

l Dr Gideon van Wyk offers 20 years of experience and is situated at Life Flora Clinic in Joburg.

He is the only trademarked doctor to perform the O-Shot and P-Shot in South Africa.

For more information or to make an appointment, contact 011 470 7736 or visit their Facebook page, The Venus Studio, or e-mail thevenusstudiosa@gmail.com


Top 5 reasons women fake orgasms

1. Women want to please their partner: Faking an orgasm will put a smile on his face, and boost his ego at the same time.

2. One is not in the mood: Sad but true, sometimes women really are not in the mood and just want to get it over with.

3. Things get too comfortable: At some point, in every relationship, things get comfortable and we start to let things go.

4. Lack of technique: Communication during sex is important. A woman knows her own body, so when she tells you to speed things up or slow them down, pay attention to her “coaching”.

5. Not like that… it is not going to happen: Not all women can achieve orgasm through intercourse, some can only reach it through clitoral stimulation, in most cases, oral sex is the best bet.

Sunday Tribune

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