Breadcrumbing in relationships: What you need to know to protect yourself

Breadcrumbers often leave their potential partners hanging. Picture: Cottonbro / Pexles

Breadcrumbers often leave their potential partners hanging. Picture: Cottonbro / Pexles

Published Oct 9, 2024


The dating game has changed in the digital age, with connections just a swipe or a click away.

While it’s become as easy as that, being in relationships has become a bit more complicated.

You might think you’re in a good relationship, but in fact, you could be manipulated into thinking so.

One such manipulation tactic is called breadcrumbing.

You might be wondering what exactly breadcrumbing is, so we’ve broken it down for you so that you know what to look out for to avoid heartbreak.

Breadcrumbing is a dating tactic where someone maintains a level of interest and engagement with another person without committing to a relationship.

Think of it like leaving a trail of breadcrumbs, enticing someone to follow, but never leading to a destination.

Here’s how breadcrumbing manifests

A breadcrumber may frequently initiate contact, only to disappear for extended periods.

They might avoid giving definitive answers to questions about their intentions or future plans.

Breadcrumbers often leave their potential partners hanging, dangling the promise of something more without ever delivering.

They may keep tabs on their potential partner’s social media activity but avoid direct communication.

A breadcrumber may frequently initiate contact, only to disappear for extended periods. Picture: Polina Zimmerman / Pexels

Why do people breadcrumb?

Some people may be afraid of getting too close or investing too much emotionally.

Breadcrumbing can be a way to boost one’s ego or maintain a sense of control.

In some cases, breadcrumbing is simply a way of stringing someone along until a more desirable option comes along.

Here’s how to protect yourself from breadcrumbing

Express your expectations and boundaries openly.

If someone's actions don't align with their words, it's a red flag.

Don't waste your time on someone who isn't committed to you.

Your worth is not determined by someone else's interest in you, so prioritise your own happiness.

IOL Lifestyle