Lent is a period of reflection in the Christian calender and it often has people re-looking their diet.
On Ash Wednesday this year, I had decided that I was going to make a commitment that was realistic but life changing. In the past I had resolved to go without sugar, chocolates or fizzy drinks for 40 days. This year I’ve taken a different stance.
After a bout of illness and a check-up at my GP, I became very aware of not only what I was eating, but also what medication I was using. I realised that I used certain food as a crutch and at the first tinge of a pain I would swallow over the counter headache medication.
So during this Lent I have committed to be more aware about what I eat and overall, what I put into my body.
When I’m thirsty and instinctively grab a frizzy drink, I resolve to think twice before I go ahead and drink it. During Lent, I want to change the internal conversation and hopefully change habits. I aim to constantly question that voice in my head, especially when I’m hungry or thirsty.
The day after Ash Wednesday I was driving home and after leaving the office, I realised that I had skipped lunch and was hungry. While walking to my car, I instinctively wanted to stop at a street vendor and buy a packet of chips, I didn't.
I realised that in the past I would have gone straight to a fast food drive through, after I had convinced myself it was the best food option. This time I didn’t.
I went home, and had a tasty, healthy, home cooked meal. After my meal, I treated myself with a sweet cup of tea.
This Lent, it’s not about me restricting or punishing myself by not eating certain food. I want to not only change my diet, but change the way I think about my diet and the choices I make — a change that must last beyond the 40 day Lenten period.