Horoscope: What your zodiac sign has in store this New Year’s week (Jan 8 - Jan 14)

Astrology / horoscope signs - capricorn

Astrology / horoscope signs - capricorn

Published Jan 8, 2023


Your Year Ahead

This next year continues to be fast and furious. Initially, the idea of more work may not appeal, but the final gains will more than make up for it. Saturn demands that you spend your energies and money wisely in order to avoid burn-out. Still, no one copes with a challenge better than you.

An old-fashioned romance makes a refreshing change in autumn, though talk of commitment might come too soon. If tempted by wanderlust, dust off those old hiking shoes. Anyone who doubts your return should know better. The heart will call you home.

Aries (March 21 - April 20)

Despite your best efforts, a tetchy Mercury seems all too happy to point out life’s limitations. Still, it’ll take more than a tetchy cosmos to choke the greater dream. Use tact and your natural Aries charm to resolve dilemmas. Soon, you’ll have the cosmos back on side, both at work and at home.

Taurus (April 21 - May 20)

Life can occasionally get a little out of hand, especially if you’ve allowed minor issues to take on major proportions. A short break would let you reflect on things, but getting away may not be easy. Others will continue to make demands. Oblige sensitively, but sensibly. You have your own life to lead, and martyrdom can be a tiring road to travel.

Gemini (May 21 - June 21)

Most Geminis are born optimists. What's more, you have the cheek of the devil – often embellishing your achievements and usually getting away with it. Sometimes, though, you overstep the mark. Not so now. Here’s a week when your legendary charm dazzles one and all. Financially, too, you look to profit.

Cancer (June 22 - July 22)

Mercury misbehaves badly this week, bringing confusion to all. This planet rules communication, negotiations, travel, and documents, etc. – all of which are affected when Mercury is a tad crazed. So, if possible, delay any important transactions. Also make sure that all computer and phone files are backed up. Better safe than sorry.

Leo (July 23 - August 23)

Cancel as many appointments as you can this week, especially those you dread. This is one of those mind-spinning times when life can far too easily turn into a stress-fest. Instead, slide on your slippers, put your feet up and get comfortable. Keep a low profile – it could be the wisest thing you’ve done for ages. Simply, relax.

Virgo (August 24 - September 22)

Mercury is at a standstill, which has most of your zodiac neighbours in a flutter – but not you, Virgo. This week you’re determined to take that proverbial leap of faith. Go for it. You now have planetary permission to take what’s yours – and the time’s also right to trash whatever’s stagnant or obsolete. So out with the old, and in with the new.

Libra (September 23 - October 23)

Occasionally you’re given goals that seem to fall short of fair. Don’t fret. It’s all just part of the great cosmic plan. In any case, the fun’s not always at your expense and this week’s targets are well within reach. If nothing else, this should throw you into more positive frame of mind. It’s a busy time, carrying a few extra responsibilities.

Scorpio (October 24 - November 22)

Mercury plays tricks on your mind this week; you may have bizarre dreams or disturbed sleep. Other possibilities: lost keys, being forgetful or physical exhaustion. Don’t rely on your memory – write down important details. If possible, retreat. Slip into something comfortable, fire up your social media and indulge in some well-earned R & R.

Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21)

Thanks to an erratic Mercury, indecision could be your downfall this week – so postpone any major decisions or plans. Someone will be pressing you for an answer, but they can wait a little longer. Don’t let yourself be bullied. Also keep a tight hold of your purse strings – avoid the temptation to overspend.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 20)

Hang the “do not disturb sign”, Capricorn. With Mercury back-pedalling in your sector of subconscious and endings, your need for privacy takes priority. Even if your social life is already dialled back, this week you crave even more solitude. This is a time of healing, so be gentle with yourself. It’s a week for quiet meditation, preferably out in nature.

Aquarius (January 21 - February 18)

It’s a meditative week, when you should listen to both your heart and your mind. While not everyone will be willing, or able, to lend a helping hand – there should still be a respectable number of people you can count on. Don’t get too caught up on who can’t be there for you – just be grateful for those who can.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

A restrained Mercury now calls for less speculation and more consolidation of resources. This message may be frustrating, but a temporary slowdown is inevitable during this potentially difficult week. If you’re going to spend anything this week, make sure it’s just some “quality time” with your nearest and dearest.