Horoscope: What the stars have in store this festive season

Published Dec 21, 2020


International astrologer Tanya Obreza let's us know what's in the stars this week.

Aries (March 21 - April 20): You’re blessed with a fabulous festive season. Work duties don’t disappear, but this week they’re mixed with plenty of time to mingle. Many zodiac neighbours are still struggling with money but, mostly, you’re spared this. Quite rightly, too. You’ve been through enough financial hardship during what’s been a very difficult year.

Taurus (April 21 - May 20): Many Taureans have been craving some time out – to leave work out of sight, and mind. Finally, the cosmos grants you permission to do just that. Even if it’s just for this final festive fortnight, see to your own wish list. Go ahead, Taurus – gather together all your friends and family and simply, play.

Gemini (May 21 - June 21): Work goes for a bit of a wander right now. Hardly surprising. It is the Christmas season, after all. With the emphasis on family concerns, a happy home life takes priority over most matters. Togetherness is the main theme right now. Venus also encourages financial flamboyance, so look forward to a fun week ahead.

Cancer (June 22 - July 22): Sometimes a little good news is all that’s needed to lift our spirits and leave us feeling more positive. And when we feel so good, we should pay it forward. Perhaps, too, this week you are the messenger. Delivering happy news to others can bring immense pleasure to all concerned. So go ahead – grant a Christmas wish, if you can.

Leo (July 23 - August 23): With all the festivities happening now, it’s a classic week for love at first sight. A surprise invitation might delight you. Or you might spontaneously do something - perhaps a surprise visit to someone you love? However, this could also be an accident-prone time for you or loved ones, so be vigilant.

Virgo (August 24 - September 22): Self-control and the festive season run at odds with each other. For now, any sense of discipline disappears under a pile of gift-wrapped parcels. But you should also steal some quiet time for yourself. Romantic Venus sends adoring thoughts around your love sector – and what better time for an unscheduled fling?

Libra (September 23 - October 23): The mood is a festive one, although some family members can still draw you into those predictable “annual” spats. Better news: an unexpected financial reward. Love also looks exquisite as the year unwinds. When the cosmos aims its desires towards amorous Librans, erotic temptation pulses through every vein.

Scorpio (October 24 - November 22): If granted leave from the daily drudge, drop tools and happily indulge in the season’s pleasures. And after months of scrimping and saving, you can finally let loose. Many will be showered in gifts, including yourself. Focus on love, as it’s not really a time for seclusion.

Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21): Merry Mars continues to be magnanimous this festive week. An open-wallet policy is sure to keep everyone happy – except your financial adviser. Social invitations are also unlikely to be ignored. With special thanks also to joyful Jupiter, it seems you have a delightful time ahead.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 20): Christmas is a gift in itself and you well and truly deserve it. Look forward to a shower of love and pleasure. The celebrations always encourage extravagance – so there’s no harm in stretching the bank balance. Those with free time should make the best of a romantic attraction.

Aquarius (January 21 - February 18): It’s a week to put your life back on course. If energy levels are low, take a break early in the week to recharge your batteries before the festive celebrations really set in. Start working your social list and make sure you grab all the cash on offer. After what was a difficult year, you deserve every reward.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20): This week finds most Pisceans fuelled with an irrepressible optimism. As a result, windfalls and wild excursions are likely. During the silly season planets encourage spending sprees or, perhaps, speculation – which you happily oblige. But your real wealth lies in the goodwill of others. You love, and are loved.

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