Covid-19 pandemic causes surge in cases of broken heart syndrome

Having to isolate and cancel special events, and not seeing friends and family for an extended period has had a profound impact on our hearts. Picture: Pexels / Burak Kostak

Having to isolate and cancel special events, and not seeing friends and family for an extended period has had a profound impact on our hearts. Picture: Pexels / Burak Kostak

Published Aug 25, 2020


A condition described as ‘broken heart syndrome’, otherwise known as stress cardiomyopathy, has increased fourfold since the start of the Coronavirus pandemic, according to a study conducted by researchers at Cleveland Clinic, in Ohio, USA.

Nicole Jennings, spokesperson for Pharma Dynamics said the extended lockdown orders – having to isolate and cancel special events, and not seeing friends and family for an extended period – has had a profound impact on our hearts.

“In most cases, broken heart syndrome is triggered by severe stress and extreme emotions, such as having to deal with the sudden loss of a loved one, divorce or a major financial loss. The unexpected rush of adrenaline weakens the heart muscle, causing irregular heart rhythms. It also interferes with the pumping function of the heart, causing a ballooning effect.

“Sufferers may experience sudden chest pain and shortness of breath – similar to a heart attack – but fortunately in most cases its effect is only temporary. The condition usually reverses itself within a few days or weeks.

“At first, patients seem like they may have experienced a heart attack, but further examination reveals no signs of blocked coronary arteries or history of cardiovascular disease.

“The pandemic has caused severe psychological, social and economic stress in people’s lives all over the world. This research gives us a glimpse into the broader impact that Covid-19 has had – not only on those with pre-existing health conditions, but also the broader population.”

While most recover from broken heart syndrome without any long-term effects, 10 percent become critically ill and in one to two percent of cases it can be fatal.

Jennings warned that when sudden chest pain and shortness of breath were present, it should always be taken seriously as it could be a sign of a heart attack, which required immediate action.

Risk factors for broken heart syndrome include age; a history of a neurological condition, such as epilepsy; previous or existing psychiatric disorder, such as depression and anxiety. Other symptoms include, arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat), cardiogenic shock, fainting, and low blood pressure.

She said that as the pandemic progressed, self-care was of utmost importance to our heart-health.

“Those who feel anxious and overwhelmed by the pandemic – both physically and mentally – need to reach out to their GPs for help.”

She suggests the following ways to alleviate stress and anxiety:

Stay in the present. When you find yourself fretting about what could happen, reel yourself back to the present and focus on what’s happening right now. Retraining your brain to deal with anxious thoughts and feelings in a rational way will help get you into a healthy pattern of thinking.

Relaxation. Practice relaxation techniques to lower stress, headaches and ease tense muscles through deep breathing, yoga, meditation, massage or listening to soothing music.

Eat healthily. When you’re under a lot of stress, you tend to eat unhealthily, smoke and drink alcohol more often. Revise your diet and eat foods that are high in antioxidants to boost the amount of feel-good hormones.

Exercise. Just 30 minutes a day of moderate exercise, such as brisk walking, swimming or cycling can boost your mood and will help you to think more clearly.

Get some sunshine. Vitamin D plays an important role in regulating mood and keeping depression at bay, so make a point of spending at least 20 minutes outside every day.

Stay in touch. Phone a friend or family member and speak to them about your concerns. Sometimes voicing your fears helps you to see things more clearly.

Watch a funny movie. Laughter is good medicine for an anxious mind and has lots of benefits for your mental health and well-being.

“Being proactive about managing stress in your life is good for your heart and may help to prevent broken heart syndrome,” Jennings says.

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