4 signs that it’s time to take a 'mental health day'

Working remotely blurs the boundaries between our professional and personal lives. Picture: Ivan Samkov Pexels

Working remotely blurs the boundaries between our professional and personal lives. Picture: Ivan Samkov Pexels

Published May 4, 2021


The majority of us have had to adjust to working remotely, blurring the boundaries between our professional and personal lives.

The working from home setup can be a nightmare, a simple beep from my phone shoots my anxiety through the roof“ "Could it be from work? Is there something I didn't do?” those are all questions that come to mind.

A 2020 study, conducted by Giant Leap, one of South Africa’s largest workplace consultancies, revealed that 86% of people wanted to go back to working in an office.

Some felt frustrated and isolated, while others just simply missed their office vibe and colleagues.

Here are some of the signs its time for a “mental health day”:

Feeling lonely

Given that we spend the majority of our days cooped up in our rooms working, this is understandable. Unwinding over coffee and small talk with a colleague is no longer an option.

Withdrawn socially

This might happen without you even noticing. You may be socially withdrawn if you don't want to make plans, engage in conversation, or talk with others.

Negative thoughts

Pessimistic thinking, or personalising other people's negativity or feedback, are examples of negative thoughts.

Issues sleeping

When you have trouble falling asleep, you toss and turn a lot, which makes you feel sluggish when you wake up.

What does a “mental health-care day” look like?

It could be as simple as taking a day off from work to recuperate, preferably outdoors.

According to the health care site, NHS, talking about your feelings with a friend, family member, health professional, or counsellor can be also therapeutic.

— SADAG (@TheSADAG) May 2, 2021

Struggling to cope? If you or a loved one need help, please make use of the SADAG 24hr helplines below. You are not alone. There is always help. #mentalhealthmatters🧠

Posted by The South African Depression and Anxiety Group onMonday, April 5, 2021

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