‘Am I the a**hole for keeping a secret candy stash from my husband?’

A Reddit user has recently shared how she hides a secret candy stash from her husband. Picture: Foodie Factor/ Pexels

A Reddit user has recently shared how she hides a secret candy stash from her husband. Picture: Foodie Factor/ Pexels

Published Feb 8, 2023


Is hiding food from your partner the wrong thing to do?

Recently, a Reddit user shared how she hides a secret candy stash from her husband. She also asked other Reddit users if it is wrong to do so. The post prompted many people to share similar stories.

The user who goes by the name @u/thisisultimate said that if her husband asks about the candies, she does not wish to tell him.

In the post, she wrote: “So, I keep a secret candy stash for myself. I do not share this with my husband. I don't tell him when I buy candy for it. I don't tell him where I put it. If he finds my secret candy stash (and he knows it exists and goes looking sometimes), I find a new place for it. If he asks me what I have in my candy stash or if I bought something on a recent grocery store trip, I do not tell him.”

She added: “This really bothers my husband that I basically am keeping secret treats from him that he can't have when we share everything else and have shared finances. It's the principle of the matter for him. He doesn't like that I'm willing to be secretive about something, and also that there is something I am not willing to share. I am presently unrepentant though (but willing to hear if I'm the AH, thus the question).

“I like having a treat that is just mine, that I can have at any point and know exactly how much is left. No looking forward to a treat, only to discover the last of it has already been finished. To be honest, I do like the secrecy of it too, and think this is a pretty innocent way of having a secret. I totally do get joy out of quickly sneaking some candy when my husband is out of the house or busy elsewhere in the house.”

Over 300 people commented on the post, with many sharing relatable stories.

One user wrote: “My wife has a secret candy stash. I know where it is. I know what's in it. She doesn't know that I know. And I leave it alone because it's hers.”

A second user commented: “Your spouse is being weird and petty over you having a small thing to yourself. He doesn't need to know or have access to everything you do or eat. You are sharing everything else it seems. He could buy his own candy. He is making it a big deal when it is not."

A third said: “I would categorise this as ‘self-care’ and you should have the luxury of a piece of chocolate or cup of tea or whatever it is that gives your spirits a lift.”