3 easy Mother's Day recipes

Pasta Mushroom Picture: ©HANDMADEPICTURES

Pasta Mushroom Picture: ©HANDMADEPICTURES

Published May 10, 2019


Mother's Day is about showing mom your love and appreciation for all that she has done (and chances are still doing) for you.

Of course, there is no way you can ever repay your mother for everything she has done, but you can treat her to a special home cooked meal this Sunday.

Croque-madam nestwiche

Pick 'n Pay


- 4 slices sourdough bread

- Butter, for spreading

- Dijon and wholegrain mustard, for spreading

- 1½ cups (375ml) grated mature cheddar

- ¼ cup (60ml) chopped chives, plus extra for serving

- Salt and milled pepper

- 2 extra-large eggs

- Tomato wedges, for serving


- Butter one side of each slice of bread.

- Spread other side with mustard, top with cheese and chives and sandwich bread together, buttered-side out.

- Fry sandwiches over low heat in an ovenproof pan until golden and toasted.

- Remove from pan.

- Using a cookie cutter, make a hollow in the centre of each slice of toast (keep cut-outs as dipper for egg).

- Return to pan and break an egg into each hollow and cook until egg sets.

- Finish toasties in oven at 180ºC or until egg is cooked to your liking.

- Garnish with chives and serve with tomato wedges on the side.

Croque-madam nestwiche

Picture supplied Mushroom Pasta

Chef Paul Nash

Warm your mother’s heart with this winter warmer by Chef Paul Nash from The Conservatory at The Cellars-Hohenort.

Prep Time: 20 mins

Cook Time: 25 mins

Servings: 2


- 500g Tagliatelle

- 2 tablespoons Extra Virgin Olive Oil

- 1 cup dried porcini

- 2 tablespoons chopped shallots

- 2 tablespoons chopped garlic

- 1 tablespoon butter

- 2 cups vegetable stock

- 1 cup white wine

- 1 cup full cream

- 2 tablespoons chopped, fresh parsley

- 1/2 cup grated Parmesan

- Salt and pepper to taste


- To re-hydrate the mushrooms, place them in a bowl with two cups of water and let them soak for about 15 minutes. Water should be warm and not boiling hot. Drain the water from the mushrooms and slice into pieces, keep the stock of the mushrooms to add to your sauce at a later stage.

- Slice your onions and chop your garlic. Heat your pan to a medium heat and add the butter and olive oil, once the oil is hot add the onions and garlic and sauté until golden brown, add the hydrated chopped mushrooms and then the white wine and reduce the wine down in the pan to a 1/3.

- Add the cream and the mushroom /vegetable stock and let reduce until the desired taste has developed, season with salt and pepper and a squeeze of fresh lemon juice to break the richness of the cream in the dish.

- Just before the sauce is ready to serve grate half of the Parmesan cheese into the sauce and pull of the heat, add the fresh chopped parsley and serve with your al dente cooked pasta.

Rooibos Malva Pudding

There is no way your mom can resist this winning dessert by Lefras Uys.

The Rooibos Malva Pudding was the winning dessert featured on episode 9 of Come Dine with Me South Africa.

Serves 4

Preparation: 30 minutes

Rooibos Malva Pudding Picture: Lisa Skinner



- 25ml butter

- 1 cup castor sugar

- 2 eggs

- 20ml fine apricot jam

- 5ml Bicarbonate of Soda

- 125ml Rooibos & Vanilla tea (made with 3 teabags)

- 250ml cake flour

- 2ml salt

- 5ml Vinegar

Rooibos Sauce

- 185ml brown sugar

- 250ml cream

- 125g butter

- 125ml Strong rooibos



- Pre-heat oven to 180 C and grease ovenproof dish.

- Cream butter and sugar together. Add the whole eggs one at a time, beating well after each addition. Beat the mixture until light and fluffy. Add the jam.

- Stir the baking soda with warm Rooibos and stir it into the egg mixture.

- Sift the flour and salt together and fold into the egg mixture. Lastly, stir in the vinegar.

- Pour the mixture into the prepared pan or dish and bake for 45 minutes or until done.

Rooibos Sauce:- Place all the ingredients for the cream sauce in a small saucepan and heat over low heat.

- Stir until the butter has melted and the sugar is dissolved.

- Pour the warm sauce over warm pudding.

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