Mom sends all her kids to bed at 6.35pm with no snack rule and the internet is calling her a ‘horrible parent’

File photo: One mother took it one step too far when it comes to rules. Picture: Kindel Media/Pexels

File photo: One mother took it one step too far when it comes to rules. Picture: Kindel Media/Pexels

Published Jan 10, 2023


I know we live in a world where we are not to “judge” people on their parenting skills, but some rules are just plain unnecessary.

One mother took it one step too far when it comes to rules.

She forces her children, 17-year-old son, a 10-year-old son, an 8-year-old daughter and a year-old daughter, to bed at the same time, at 6:35pm, regardless of the age differences.

She took to Quora Digest, that she “caught” her son breaking the rule when he sneakishly ordered food at 1am. The poor kid was probably starving seeing though he is in bed before dinnertime!

The question posed by the mother reads, ‘’My teenager got caught getting food at 1:00 AM. What should I do?’’

The internet says mother is ‘starving’ her children by sending them to bed before dinner time. Picture: Ketut Subiyanto/Pexels

Commenters were outraged by the mother’s actions. One Quora user wrote: ‘’Got caught"? It’s food, not drugs. Feed the child. Christ, why is this even a question? If they’re hungry at 1am, that means they didn’t eat enough at dinner. Increase their food portions and snack times, and decrease your judgement.’’

Another Quora user wrote: “Why, ma’am did you have kids? He’s likely starving for more than just food. Please do him and your other children a favour and surrender them to a family who will truly love them and take care of them before you turn them into serial killers.’’

One user added a comment and it had me laughing out loud: “Bow you head in shame, walk to your closest mirror, look up at yourself and repeat ‘I am a terrible parent and will from here on out do better’,” another user added.

I don’t know if she thought people would support her on this or that she was going to receive advice on how to punish or reprimand her son even more.

Hopefully she got some answers from it, which is to slow her roll on the rules.