How to keep to your car mess-proof from excitable kids

After each trip, remove all the trash, toys, and food from the car. Picture: Supplied

After each trip, remove all the trash, toys, and food from the car. Picture: Supplied

Published Oct 6, 2022


Cars with children often have mud everywhere, chip packets, sweet wrappers, worn-out socks, squished juice boxes, and other items children leave in the wake of their innocent destruction.

“Travelling with children can create some of the most wholesome and important memories. However, it can also often lead to a very messy car”, said a spokesperson from

“Our tips to tackle the mess are all very straightforward and quick for busy parents to do during and after any trip out. Things like encouraging kids to take muddy boots and shoes off before they get in the car, to avoiding greasy foods and fizzy drinks.

“The best tip we can offer is to keep on top of any mess. Clearing your car out after every trip will take a matter of minutes. Leave it a few weeks or months, and you’ll be cleaning for ages”, they added.

We have compiled the best advice for keeping cars spotless, all while still making kids comfortable:

Keep the food away

Food should be kept out of the car to avoid slick spots, crumbs, and strong odours. On a lengthy drive, parents who find it difficult to keep food away from their children should choose snacks that are simple to clean up and leave few crumbs. Food that is greasy should also be avoided.

No shoes in the car

Encourage kids to take off their muddy boots and shoes before getting in the van to reduce the amount of mess that can occur. Drivers who are exceptionally organised should have extra bags or plastic sheeting in the boot in which to store the shoes while driving.

Rubber mats

If a driver's car mats are missing, they should buy new reasonably priced rubber mats that they may trim to size and lay on the floor. Simply knock the dirt off the mats after each journey and pop them back into position.

Grab a refuse bag

Drivers must always maintain a refuse bag on hand at all times to reduce the amount of trash they produce. Instead of leaving trash on the ground, empty bottles, wrappers, and food scraps should be encouraged to be thrown in by kids.

Steer clear of carbonated beverages

If you spill a carbonated beverage, the sticky stains are nearly impossible to remove. Stick to water instead for the kids on long trips; any spills will dry off quickly and shouldn't leave any stains.

Rugby, netball, cricket, tennis and volley balls all in the boot

Drivers should throw the ball in the boot after kicking it around in the park rather than in the back of the vehicle. The same is true for tennis balls and other toys; it is advisable to store them all in a box in the trunk of the car.

Sit on garbage bags if you've just been swimming

Sit the youngsters down on some plastic bags if they are about to get drenched in the car. Keeping the seats dry will prevent the pungent smell that occurs from transporting wet children - either drenched by the rain or their own doing.

Empty the car after every trip

After each trip, remove all the trash, toys, and food from the car. If you stay on top of it, it won't ever come up again.