Father’s Day: Here’s how you can spend the day in a more meaningful way

Create special memories on Father’s Day. Picture: Freepik

Create special memories on Father’s Day. Picture: Freepik

Published Jun 7, 2024


Next Sunday is Father’s Day and what better way to honour your dad than to spend the day with him in a meaningful way?

While a gift will do, it can’t compare to a beautiful memory that lasts forever.

Isn’t that a greater gift than yet another pair of socks?

Here are some ideas on how you can make this Father’s Day extra special without having to buy a gift.

Quality time

One way to celebrate Father’s Day is by spending time together.

Plan a day full of activities that your dad enjoys, whether it's going for a hike, playing a round of golf, or watching his favourite sports game.

The aim is to focus on spending time together and creating lasting memories.

Enjoy time outdoors. Picture: Ron Lach / Pexels

Express gratitude

Another meaningful way to celebrate Father’s Day is by expressing your gratitude and appreciation for your dad.

Take the time to write him a heartfelt letter or create a personalised gift that shows how much he means to you.

You can also plan a special dinner or braai to celebrate the day and to thank him for all that he does.

Include his hobby

If your dad has a hobby or interest that he’s passionate about, consider incorporating it into your Father’s Day celebration.

Whether it’s fishing, hiking, woodworking or cooking, find a way to include his hobby in the day's activities to make it even more special for him.

Make him a special meal. Picture: Tima Miroshnichenko / Pexels

Acts of service

Breakfast in bed is perhaps one of the most common acts of service on Father’s Day, but you can make this more special by doing something which has significance for him.

Help with chores. Picture: Kampus / Pexels

This could mean taking on the chores you know he dislikes doing, like mowing the lawn or doing a bit of gardening for instance.

And if you’re not sure what you could do for him, don’t be afraid to ask.

I’m sure he wouldn’t mind a day off from his daily chores.

IOL Lifestyle