Puhleeez! Irony of SA’s Ukraine ’intervention’

Servicemen of the Ukrainian National Guard taking positions in central Kyiv on Friday.

Servicemen of the Ukrainian National Guard taking positions in central Kyiv on Friday.

Published Feb 26, 2022


Durban - Our government has failed to mediate in the internecine war between taxi operators and Uber drivers, and could not lift a finger during successive waves of vicious xenophobia – perpetrated by its own people on innocent foreigners living peaceably within its borders.

But the greatest irony of all is that it could not protect a single shopping mall during the July insurrection last year. Instead, to its ultimate shame and the undying credit of the people of this country, it left it to ordinary citizens who stood fast against the unprecedented wave of lawlessness as the police powerlessly looked on.

I therefore find it incredibly galling that this same government even contemplates mediating in the conflict unfolding in the Ukraine.

Certainly that conflict, although thousands of kilometres away, has the potential to affect us here (watch the oil price for proof), and could spark a wider conflagration if Nato and/or the US decide to retaliate.

But right on our doorstep the ANC government could not get Robert Mugabe to give up power, despite losing Zimbabwe’s 2008 elections to the MDC.

Nor did it try, not seriously anyway, leaving him to continue his vicious clampdown of the opposition.

Now it wants to mediate in a Russia versus the Rest of the World conflict?


Methinks this could be the very definition of hubris.

The Independent on Saturday