LOOK: These pictures tease the penultimate episode of 'Game of Thrones'



Published May 10, 2019


So, fans of Game of Thrones were rightly in their feelings with the fourth episode of the final season of the show. 

The Last of the Starks saw the show returning to its politricking roots, however, there were so many things that made many fans, me included, question the show's direction with their characters and also the end game. 

Personally, I don't think there's going to be anyone on the iron throne. I have a feeling that King's Landing will burn and it will be a lesson to many about how toxic power is and when you play the game of thrones, no one actually wins. 

But I don't think that's what the writers have in mind. Not with a Daenerys that seems to be losing it, Varys and Tyrion somehow plotting against her, Jon Snow not wanting the throne and Sansa being adamant on the North being independent. These is no cohesion amongst all of Cersei's enemies and that does become a major problem. 

HBO released a few episodes to tease the upcoming episode. This is what I think is happening on the episode this week. 

Daenerys Targaryen has lost so much in Westeros, it's no surprise shes feeling morose. Is this her undoing? Will she now stop seeing reason and become the tyrant the writers want her to be? Will this be the time she finally takes charge of things in Westeros and do things the way she wants? Or will this be the one time she gives up and lets her adviser plot their way to removing her? 


A frightened Tyrion Lannister slowly approaches Daenerys Targaryen, who is slowly 'losing it' in Dragonstone. Now the question is, will he tell her that he knows about Jon Snow's real parentage? Or will he convince her to not go to King's Landing and protect the last remaining dragon, Drogon? 


Grey Worm, the leader of the Unsullied also lost the love of his life, Missandei and he must be ready to rain fire on Cersei and Euron Greyjoy. But he looks apprehensive here. Has he done something that doesn't please Daenerys? Could he be asking Daenerys to return to Mereen? I wouldn't blame him. This is a foreign land and he's lost many of his brothers and his one true love. There's nothing left for him in Westeros. I would also go home. It's not like he and the Unsullied are slaves, right? They chose to serve Daenerys. 

PICTURE: Helen Sloan/HBO

Ser Davos, Jon Snow and Tyrion Lannister arriving in King's Landing. Tyrion tried to get Cersei to surrender and bow the knee to Daenerys Targaryen. He even tried to appeal to her softer side and mentioned that since she's carrying a new baby, this was her chance to avoid death. Sadly, that failed and led to the death of Missandei, who was cruelly beheaded by the monstrous Sandor Clegane (The Mountain). So clearly they are at the gates of King's Landing, ready to fight Euron, the Lannister army and the Golden Company.


Urgh. Cersei Lannister is honestly the pits, but you can't help admiring her. She doesn't have her usual smug smile- could it be that Jaime made it to King's Landing just before the battle and begging for his sister to see sense? I wouldn't be surprised if the writers actually do that. But then, how would she have allowed him in, especially with The Mountain being there, standing guard? 

PICTURE: Helen Sloan/HBO The ever-smug Euron Greyjoy is shocked. Has he seen a dragon about to roast him alive or has Yara Greyjoy come to fight for Daenerys and Jon Snow? What on earth would shock Euron this much to leave him so spooked?


 Harry Strickland and the Golden Company will finally play a role in this episode. The famous sellswords fight for the highest bidder and have been bought by Cersei to fight her battle. Will they win? 


Where to watch "Game of Thrones" 

Watch it on Mondays at 3am on (repeat at 10pm) on M-Net, or straight after with the   DStv Now app  . 

You can also binge-watch all previous seasons of  "Game of Thrones" on Showmax. Sign up for a 14-day free trial at  Showmax.com

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