Justin Bieber fires back at troll encouraging people to insult Hailey Bieber

Justin and Hailey Bieber. Picture: Instagram

Justin and Hailey Bieber. Picture: Instagram

Published Dec 4, 2020


“Sorry” hitmaker Justin Bieber has fired back at an online troll who encouraged other social media users to insult his wife Hailey Bieber and defend his previous romance with Selena Gomez.

Responding in a lengthy post on his Instagram Story, he wrote: "This sad excuse of a human just encouraged people on video to literally go after my wife telling people to say that my previous relationship was better so on and so fourth.

"I just wanted to share this so that people get an idea of what we face on a day to day.

"It is extremely hard to choose the high road when i see people like this try and rally to gather people to bully the person i love the most in this world. (sic)"

Justin, 26, urged his fans to take the high road and refused to let the social media user "steal [his] joy".

Picture: Justin Bieber Instagram Stories

He continued: "After watching that i could easily let it steal my joy, but then i think about her life and how miserable she must be to want to spend her life trying to make others feel small.

"The lesson here is SHES THE ONE MISSING OUT.. life is fulfilling when you uplift and add value to people!

"A life where you want to make others feel small will leave you with no friends and no real JOY. (sic)"

Picture: Justin Bieber Instagram Stories

Meanwhile Hailey, 24, has also responded to the situation and insisted while she would normally "stay quiet", she felt the need to address a situation "that is shockingly unhealthy and sad".

She added: "I would never in a million years wish for someone to be treated this way and I will never condone this kind of hateful behavior.

"I want only to support, uplift, and encourage other women in this industry and wish them nothing but love and success and I wish for all of my followers and supporters to do the same!!

"Wishing the young woman in that video all the best, I hope she finds love, peace and happiness in this life!"

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justin bieber