UKZN graduate now businessman donates uniforms to three KwaMashu schools

Stavi Enterprise (Pty) Ltd run by UKZN graduate now businessman, Scelo Manyoni donated full uniforms to three schools in KwaMashu. Picture: Supplied

Stavi Enterprise (Pty) Ltd run by UKZN graduate now businessman, Scelo Manyoni donated full uniforms to three schools in KwaMashu. Picture: Supplied

Published Oct 30, 2022


Durban — With the year wrapping up, parents are already preparing and budgeting for stationery and school uniforms for 2023.

For some parents at three KwaMashu schools, the weight of buying uniforms was lifted off their shoulder as a local company donated full school uniforms to 15 pupils from Maqandini and Nkulisabantu primary schools, as well as Isibonelo High School.

On Monday, at the KwaMashu Sport Centre Stavi Enterprise (Pty) Ltd handed over the uniforms, including shoes.

Stavi Enterprise is a multi-purpose entity that offers a variety of services such as printing and photocopying, promotional products, entertainment, maintenance, among others.

Company director Scelo Manyoni who is also a Master’s graduate at the University of KwaZulu-Natal said he had always wanted to give back to his community, but didn’t know how.

“It was not until I saw a teacher from one of the local schools asking for help for a child that had no school shoes and came to school in flops and other children laughed at the child,” said Manyoni, who is born and bred in KwaMashu.

He explained that from then he asked to help more children at the school following which he approached two more schools in his community.

In thanking Manyoni and his team, Isibonelo High School teacher, Bongiwe Mwale said what they had done for the needy children at her school was commendable.

“You are building a nation, these are the future fighters of this country. We are grateful for what you have done,” she said.

Maqandini Primary School principal Boni Mkhize and Stavi Enterprise’s director, Scelo Manyoni hand over a full uniform to a pupil accompanied by her grandmother. Picture: Supplied

The parent of a pupil from Maqandini Primary School said that God’s grace had led Manyoni and his team her family’s way.

“This young man who has done this lives with us in the community and we thank him for not forgetting his community,” said Thato Dube.

The school’s principal, Boni Mkhize said that the uniforms given to pupils would make a big difference in their lives.

“What has happened is testimony that some people still believe in the saying it takes a village to raise a child, these are community members such Mr Manyoni,” she said.

Mkhize explained that not having something as basic as a school uniform disrupted learning and teaching.

“What Manyoni has done will ensure that these pupils get quality teaching and learning, they will be able to focus on school and not worry about what to wear to school,” she said.

Nkulisabantu Primary School principal, Dumi Mzimela said the pupils who were given uniforms would be encouraged to be at school at all material times.

“It also boosts their confidence and we hope that this will have a positive impact on the education of the pupils since education is regarded as a societal issue,” Mzimela said.

Daily News