Murdered and raped teen was found naked

The Durban High Court was presented with details about the condition of a teen’s body, as described by a police officer who had responded to the scene. The officer was testifying in the murder trial of a taxi driver accused of the crime.

The Durban High Court was presented with details about the condition of a teen’s body, as described by a police officer who had responded to the scene. The officer was testifying in the murder trial of a taxi driver accused of the crime.

Published Sep 4, 2024


Durban — On Tuesday, a police officer described the condition of a 17-year-old’s body, who had been beaten, raped, stabbed, and killed, during the trial at the Durban High Court. A taxi driver has been charged with the murder.

“I saw a girl lying on the ground face up and covered with a pink blanket. Her legs were spread when I uncovered her. I saw lots of stab wounds on her face. There was a cloth inside her mouth, she was naked and her bra was above her breasts,” testified Sergeant Mjabulelwa Mbeko, who attended the scene in 2020.

He had been leading evidence in the trial against Samkelo Victus Dube, 29, who is charged with the murder and rape of Sibahle Faith Biyela as well as the assault of Thandiwe Princess Shange by stabbing her with a screwdriver with the intent of causing her grievous bodily harm.

Shange testified that she and Sibahle encountered Dube while he was driving his taxi.

He stopped to greet them, and after learning they were on their way to buy alcohol, Dube – who is her neighbour – offered to buy it for them, suggesting they could drink at his house.

“Dube said he wanted Sibahle, he said she was pretty … We got to his home and he said one of us had to come with him to buy while the other remained behind. He said I must be the one remaining in the house.

“They came back with two quarts Brutal Eight, not Brutal Fruit as we discussed. They also brought Smirnoff. I asked him why not Brutal Fruit as Brutal Eight is far stronger.

“He said he didn’t know the difference between the two. I then turned to Sibahle and asked why she kept quiet when he bought the wrong thing and she said that Dube had refused and said he would buy it later.”

Shange said that she told Sibahle they must only drink one quart and leave the other.

“He kept on drinking the Smirnoff from the bottle alone. I noticed it was finished and there was a quarter of the Brutal left. I noticed Dube had fallen asleep, I began patting him trying to wake him up telling him we were leaving. We closed and left. Just before we could turn the corner he emerged. I was walking in front of Sibahle and we were talking. Just as I turned I saw he was assaulting Sibahle tripping her so that she would fall.

“I asked him what he was doing. I pushed him and that was when Sibahle got a chance to run.

“She stood a distance from us after running. At the time I was trying to protect Sibahle from being assaulted. He turned to assault me, we grappled and wrestled I was failing to overpower him. I shouted to Sibahle to pick up a stone or rock. I asked him what’s his problem and he said he wanted his phone. I was wearing clothing with no pockets and told him to check for his phone,” said Shange.

She said that while struggling with Dube she realised he was overpowering her and she screamed for a nearby neighbour who came out.

“They came out and picked Dube off me as he was on top of me. I could feel my head hot and I realised he had stabbed me. I don’t know what he used to stab me but earlier he was carrying a screwdriver. As they were attending to me and my wounds I didn’t pay attention to Sibahle. Dube ran in the direction which I saw Sibahle run in, I didn’t see her after that.”

The trial continues.

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