KZN teen found alive after 11 days missing

Police were alerted when a teenager who had been missing for 11 days was found and taken by police for a medical check-up and reunited with her mother.

Police were alerted when a teenager who had been missing for 11 days was found and taken by police for a medical check-up and reunited with her mother.

Published Aug 22, 2022


Durban — The family of a Ladysmith teenager who was found on the side of the road alive and safe near her home after having been missing for 11 days said she was visibly still traumatised and not ready to go back to school.

The 14-year-old had left home to walk to Harvest High School and when she did not return her family reported her missing to local police on August 1.

According to her grandfather, the last time she was seen was when she returned home from where she had been waiting for her transport to fetch something she had forgotten for school.

He said his granddaughter, who had missed the transport due to coming back home, walked to school which was a short distance from their home.

“We thought she was at school and when she didn’t come home, I was contacted and we went to report her missing to the police. We learnt that she did not reach school on Monday, we found this out on Tuesday from the school.”

On Sunday the grandfather said they had tried to hear what had happened from her, but she was unable to give full details as she did not remember some things.

“We think she may have been drugged. We found her where we had looked for her on Monday by the side of the road. We suspect she was just dropped off there.”

He said the teen was found safe but her shoes, school bag and jersey were no longer on her.

“She was wearing the shirt and pants she had left home with going to school.” He said police were alerted after she was found and authorities took the child to the hospital.

“We have not yet received any results from the hospital or any report in relation to her health.”

Lieutenant-Colonel Nqobile Gwala said police “confirm that the teen had been found safe after having been missing”.

The teen’s mother who had prayed for her safe return, on Sunday said she was grateful that she had found her child still alive.

“The truth is most parents don’t find their children alive. I can’t say anything more about how she was found or any further details because we are leaving everything to the police now as they are investigating. It is by the grace of God that we found her alive on Thursday.”

Daily News