Durban metro police deliver baby on pavement in city centre

Durban metro police search and rescue members reported that they came across the woman who had collapsed and they assisted with the delivery in the Durban city centre. | Supplied

Durban metro police search and rescue members reported that they came across the woman who had collapsed and they assisted with the delivery in the Durban city centre. | Supplied

Published Apr 4, 2022


DURBAN - A woman gave birth on a Durban pavement in the city centre on Monday afternoon.

Medi Response spokesperson Paul Herbst said metro police search and rescue officers delivered the baby.

Herbst said that earlier on Monday afternoon Medi Response paramedics responded to reports of a childbirth in progress in the Durban city centre.

“On arrival of crews, a young lady was located on the sidewalk, who had just given birth to a healthy baby girl. Search and rescue members report that they had come across the lady who had collapsed and they assisted with the delivery,” Herbst said.

Durban metro police search and rescue members reported that they came across the lady who had collapsed and they assisted with the delivery of the baby in the Durban city centre. | Supplied

“Mother and baby are both healthy and have been transported to the hospital.”

He thanked all those involved and welcomed the baby girl into the world.

Meanwhile, it was reported that a newborn baby was found by a homeless man on Musgrave Road across the road from Musgrave Centre.

“The baby was wrapped with a towel, put inside a pillowcase and inside a plastic packet,” Van De said in a Facebook post.

She also said the police were at the scene and took down statements.

Police had not commented by the time of publication.

Daily News