Cuttings Beach fishing fraternity recovers body of fishing buddy swept out to sea

A seasoned fisherman, 74, had been fishing when he attempted to cross the canal and was swept, out to sea. | Facebook

A seasoned fisherman, 74, had been fishing when he attempted to cross the canal and was swept, out to sea. | Facebook

Published Apr 7, 2022


Durban - The body of the fisherman who was swept away while trying to cross a canal on Monday evening was recovered by local anglers.

It was reported that the fisherman, 74, had been fishing when he attempted to cross the canal and was swept away, out to sea. Witnesses reported that they saw the man drown before disappearing from sight.

The Cuttings Fishing Forum said: “Body has been found this morning (Tuesday) by the local anglers who went out to search for the body. These were some dedicated fishing buddies to the deceased. It was almost a kilometre walk back to get telephone reception to notify the search and rescue.”

Earlier, the forum had issued a safety notice to those who crossed the canal.

It said that all those who crossed the canal needed to be very careful because anything could happen and they could get washed out to sea.

“A daily angler, who crosses this canal almost every day, slipped in the canal and got washed out to sea, not found yet,” the forum said.

Police spokesperson Lieutenant-Colonel Nqobile Gwala confirmed the drowning and said the body was recovered on Tuesday morning at 11.10am by SAPS Search and Rescue and Metro Police Search and Rescue units.

“An inquest was opened at Wentworth police station for investigation,” Gwala said.

Daily News