Hawks in KZN seize millions of rand worth of cocaine destined for Free State

Twenty bricks of cocaine were found hidden inside a chemical sprayer bin. | Hawks/ SAPS

Twenty bricks of cocaine were found hidden inside a chemical sprayer bin. | Hawks/ SAPS

Published Jun 20, 2024


Durban — Cocaine worth R8 million was seized by the Hawks on Wednesday, in Lynnfield outside Pietermaritzburg.

KwaZulu-Natal Hawks spokesperson Colonel Simphiwe Mhlongo said Pietermaritzburg Hawks members from the city’s Serious Organised Crime Investigation seized 20 bricks of cocaine at Lynnfield Industrial Park.

“Hawks Pietermaritzburg Serious Organised Crime Investigation members received information about a truck carrying a chemical crop sprayer tractor from Durban Harbour to the Free State province,” Mhlongo said.

He said a disruptive operation was swiftly conducted and members proceeded to the said industrial park.

Mhlongo said the truck was traced and found stationary and 20 bricks of cocaine inside.

“A search was conducted, which is where members found 20 bricks of cocaine hidden inside the chemical sprayer bin. A detailed statement was obtained from the driver and no arrest has been made at this stage. Investigation continues,” Mhlongo said.

Mhlongo told The Daily News that the industrial park where the incident occurred is in the Lynnfield area and the origin of the drugs is still under investigation.

Hawks KZN head Major-General (Dr) Lesetja Senona welcomed the seizure and congratulated the members for their good work.

In an unrelated incident earlier this month, police in the province arrested a 46-year-old man, following a major drug bust at a residential complex in Durban North.

Police spokesperson Colonel Robert Netshiunda said police had been on the suspect's trail for a while before pouncing.

“Officers from the provincial drugs and firearms unit dismantled yet another drug lab at a property in Ronaldo Road, in Glen Anil. Further investigations led the police to a residential complex in Umgeni Park where the suspect was renting an apartment.”

He said that inside the property, officers found mandrax, rock cocaine and heroin worth an estimated street value of R1.3 million.

“Police also found and seized equipment which the suspect was allegedly using to manufacture drugs. An undisclosed amount of money was also found in the premises,” Netshiunda said.

The man was charged with manufacturing and dealing in drugs.

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Daily News