Call for the arrest of people involved in the circulation of a pornographic video of a mentally disturbed woman

KZN Social Development MEC Nonhlanhla Khoza calls for the arrest of people involved in the circulation of a pornographic video of a mentally disturbed woman in Ezakheni. File Picture.

KZN Social Development MEC Nonhlanhla Khoza calls for the arrest of people involved in the circulation of a pornographic video of a mentally disturbed woman in Ezakheni. File Picture.

Published Dec 28, 2022


Durban — KwaZulu-Natal Social Development MEC, Nonhlanhla Khoza, has condemned the circulation of an indecent video depicting a mentally disturbed woman who was asked to show her private parts.

In a 20-second video, a group of young women are heard shouting and clapping demanding that the woman expose her private parts on the street of Ezakheni Township near Ladysmith.

The video has been viewed by many people on social media and has been widely shared on various social media platforms, including Facebook and WhatsApp, while others still demand that it be shared privately with them.

Khoza pleaded with the community of Ezakheni and the public to desist from circulating the video.

"We are really taken aback by this abhorrent conduct. The circulation of a video of this nature is bound to affect the life of the family where the victim comes from.

“The victim is currently in hospital following the abuse she suffered on Sunday," Khoza said.

She said it was more disturbing that adults were behind the circulation of the video, while the government was relying on them to stem the tide of social ills in communities.

Khoza said the act of the people towards the mentally ill woman to denigrate and ridicule her was a punishable offence, adding that they should face the crime of indecent exposure.

"Anyone who has seen the video must delete it immediately or risk facing prosecution. As the community, we must understand that sexual harassment is unwanted behaviour, which has been outlawed," Khoza said.

A video that has sexual harassment as its nature, which traverses a wide range of behaviours, from suggestive comments, gestures, explicit jokes, innuendo and belittling, to sexual assault, indecent exposure and rape was a violation of the rights of the person involved, she said.

"This horrifying video should remind us as a nation that we have a responsibility to protect vulnerable people. Equally, we have a responsibility to teach each other about what needs to be done in life," said Khoza.

She commended some community members who have been at the forefront, discouraging the behaviour of those sharing the video. She added that police should open a case and ensure that anyone involved faced the law.

Khoza has also called on members of the community to help the department and the SAPS to identify those involved in the video, including the family of the victim so that they can be offered psycho-social support.

Daily News