Letter: Many of us struggle to keep afloat

Living in South Africa these days is not easy at all, with the ever-increasing everything but not our salaries, says the writer. Picture: Bloomberg

Living in South Africa these days is not easy at all, with the ever-increasing everything but not our salaries, says the writer. Picture: Bloomberg

Published May 17, 2023


By Gretchen Collis

Cape Town - I want to comment on the interest rate hike, as I am one of the many citizens of this now very messed up South Africa that can’t keep up.

My fridge has never been as empty as it has been since 2022/2023, and to be honest I love giving and sharing with the less fortunate, but I have to send people away when they knock or ask for a piece of bread.

I, too, am part of the “have nots” since the repo rate increased, electricity tariffs increased, petrol increased – sad to say, and I bet everyone else around me just struggles to keep afloat.

I am a single, divorced parent who purchased a new house and with the repo rate up and another hike upon us, I have to consider selling or go hungry every day.

Living in South Africa these days is not easy at all, with the ever-increasing everything but not our salaries .

I feel really sad as our country has really taken a knock for the worse, and who suffers the most is its citizens.

I hope things will turn around soon. It just scares me and brings so much fear to think what will happen if it doesn’t change soon.

I fear for my kids, I fear raising my kids in this country, it’s just too much fear.

There is too little trust in this government at this stage.

Cape Times

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