New draft Tokai Cecilia Plan open for comment

Published May 22, 2023


Cape Town - Environmental organisation, Parkscape, said it supported the revised draft Tokai Cecilia Implementation Plan (TCIP).

The SA National Parks (Sanparks) published the revised TCIP for public comment on May 19.

The implementation plan outlines and enables the joint undertaking of activities and interventions by Sanparks and stakeholders for the management of the Tokai and Cecilia areas.

The plan also intends to address concerns that have been raised over the past few years.

The goals include the implementation of the Tokai Manor Precinct Plan towards a multi-use gateway with a wide range of commercial, tourism, recreational and related activities appropriate to the context and heritage of Tokai.

“Environmental education and interpretation are presented as an improved education and interpretation about the environment and heritage resources experienced. Fire management towards a fire-safe interface managed and implemented through prescribed burning and awareness creation. Biodiversity and ecosystem services rehabilitation where the species-rich, highly threatened and of globally important fynbos and fauna in Tokai and Cecilia are being rehabilitated and restored,” the document read.

Sanparks manager Megan Taplin said the document was published following months of consultation and engagement with a wide range of stakeholders.

“This effort has taken a significant amount of time due to the overwhelming range and scope of comments received and the challenge of coherently addressing these in the revised.,” said Taplin.

Parkscape said their preliminary reading of the revised draft plan indicates a document that has sought to embrace inclusivity as providing a meaningful way forward.

“It would seem to offer a holistic outcome that takes on board all stakeholder thinking and contributions. It appears to be a document that reveals careful listening and hearing of complex stakeholder and urban observations, needs and, realities.

“As such, it appears to engage with the fundamentals of the founding principles of the Park. In a complex and contested space, finding a holistic and inclusive outcome is not easy unless one is willing to look at the big picture and embrace visionary thinking,” the organisation said.

The revised draft is expected to be open for a 31-day public and stakeholder commenting period ending on June 19.

Cape Times