George collapse: families reunited with rescued workers

Published May 15, 2024


Eight days since the collapse of the multi-storey building in George, families are being reunited with workers who were rescued from beneath the 300 tons of concrete.

The Garden Route Joint Operation Centre (JOC) and George municipality confirmed 47 families were reunited as the search and rescue operations stretched into 214 hours by midday on Wednesday.

The JOC has confirmed:

* Total estimated individuals on-site when the incident occurred: 81

* Rescued and recovered: 62

* Deceased: 33 (27 males, 6 women)

* Currently hospitalised: 12

* Unaccounted for: 19

The JOC said: “Up to now, 47 victims have been linked to their families. The JOC’s adherence to a stringent double verification protocol is crucial for maintaining the integrity and accuracy of reported numbers of the deceased, which is essential in emergency and disaster response scenarios.

“This verification process involves cross-referencing information from multiple reliable sources, such as recovery teams, hospitals, and forensic services.”

President Cyril Ramaphosa is expected to visit the crime and disaster site on Thursday.

Meanwhile, the municipality confirmed that donations of fresh food received for the affected families who remain in the George Civic Centre are adequate.

However, for those still willing to contribute, donations may be redirected to AFM (AGS) Soteria Church at 27 Victoria Street in George.

The Western Cape Department of Social Development has indicated that a comprehensive range of services will continue to be made available to the affected families for a minimum of six months.

Cape Times

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