Beloved UCT catering staff member bids farewell after decade-long service

Published Nov 30, 2022


Cape Town - UCT catering staff member Sheila Nunes will bid farewell to the university on December 15 after more than a decade of service.

The 65-year-old is a member of the catering team at the university’s Graça Machel Hall residence in Rosebank.

Her duties include preparing meals for students and cleaning after meal times.

“I enjoy the work and I will miss my colleagues and I will miss everything,” she said.

Nunes said she joined UCT by fate 12 years ago, having been working at a small kitchen at the time.

“I was coming out of a small kitchen and by fate came to this big world of UCT. It was intimidating at first. But soon enough everything fell into place,” she said.

For Nunes, retiring has not been an easy decision.

“It’s still surreal that I am retiring and I still have the same feeling that I am not ready to go. I don’t feel 65-years-old. To me, I still feel like I can work another three or five years. It’s going to take some time, but I will eventually have to get used to it,” she said.

Nunes said she would spend her retirement bonding with her daughter and grandchild.

Cape Times