Why most of our current global leaders are destined for hellfire

Yagyah Adams writes that Leaders like President Joe Biden, Benjamin Netanyahu and ambassadors like Anthony Blinken and Arab and European leaders etc who allow the genocide in the “Holy Land” will be judged harshly. Credit: U.S. Embassy/Wikimedia Commons.

Yagyah Adams writes that Leaders like President Joe Biden, Benjamin Netanyahu and ambassadors like Anthony Blinken and Arab and European leaders etc who allow the genocide in the “Holy Land” will be judged harshly. Credit: U.S. Embassy/Wikimedia Commons.

Published Jan 14, 2024


Centuries ago a wise man asked, is it better to be hurt by the truth or made happy with deception?

Currently, we exist in a reality where a few can harm/murder millions with blatant impunity. Selfish political and economic leaders create mass suffering because they are, in truth, evil people.

For example, in time those who support genocide against the Palestinians or any other innocent people will be held accountable. It is irrelevant if the oppressor believes in God or not as reason and logic suggest that everything in the universe is created in a balance and justice balances out injustice.

Leaders like President Joe Biden, Benjamin Netanyahu and ambassadors like Anthony Blinken and Arab and European leaders etc who allow the genocide in the “Holy Land” will be judged harshly.

As regular folk who witness the daily massacres in Gaza, we must ask, how it is possible for a human who worships God to support genocide and think that they are on the right side of truth and justice?

At this time, speaking truth to power and to others who are confused becomes necessary, especially since fake news and propaganda can overwhelm even the intelligent/educated among ourselves.

Allow me to clarify.

The God of Judaism, Christianity and Islam dislikes oppression and the harming of innocents. It is that basic. So, when you oppress/murder the innocent you become an enemy of God the Creator.

This basic principle deals with everything. So, if you think that you can harm/murder innocent people for whatever reason, you may have a mental problem or you are simply an evil person.

You can pray, fast, give charity, etc but when you think that you can harm or murder innocent people you actually cannot be a good person as harming others nullifies the “good” you have done. Those Israeli/Arab/American/ European leaders etc who support the killing in Occupied Palestine are an example to the rest of humanity.

God the Creator is showing us that with all that wealth and power at the disposal of these leaders, they chose genocide. Thus when they are sent to hell they will have no excuse, because they had the wealth and power to create peace but chose chaos.

Also, it is critical to clear some delusions, since God the Creator is the origin of justice. Those who think that it is okay to mass murder women, children and non-combatants need to reread their religious scripture because

I can guarantee that God does not encourage the slaughter of innocents.

Anyone who says it is okay to kill innocent people does not worship the God of the Torah, Bible and Qur’an.

* Cape Muslim Congress councillor Yagyah Adams.

** The views expressed here are not necessarily those of Independent Media.

Cape Argus

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