We can solve the homeless crisis with family planning

The writer states that authorities need to go further, and vigorously campaign for family planning as a means to solve the homeless crisis. File picture: ANA

The writer states that authorities need to go further, and vigorously campaign for family planning as a means to solve the homeless crisis. File picture: ANA

Published Apr 22, 2023


Excellent article by Lorenzo Davids (“House the homeless where you find them”, Cape Argus, April 17) – he has researched the problem internationally, and has very logical and practical reasons for his recommendations. Hopefully it will inspire some positive responses.

But the housing context is so much wider than just the homeless – there are hundreds of thousands of people who have been on the housing waiting lists for decades; do the homeless take precedence over them?

And is the place “where you find them” suitable for developing houses? (We have “seasonal” homeless in a detention pond nearby, who have to move every winter because of flooding.)

To paraphrase the great Desmond Tutu: Pulling people out of the river is the right thing to do, but we should go upstream to find out why they’re falling in – I suspect we’ll find that overcrowding was a great contributor, and that the “housing shortage” is actually a “people surplus”.

So we should definitely follow up on Lorenzo’s recommendations, but the authorities need to go further, and vigorously campaign for family planning.

But they probably won’t, as it may reduce voter confidence, and votes now are more important than future problems.

* Rob Johnston, Tokai.

** The views expressed here are not necessarily those of Independent Media.

Cape Argus

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