LETTER: On George building tragedy, government needs to wake up

'The real issue here is to ensure, regularly, that the inspectors get out there and make sure the necessary inspections are done.’ Picture: Ayanda Ndamane / Independent Newspapers

'The real issue here is to ensure, regularly, that the inspectors get out there and make sure the necessary inspections are done.’ Picture: Ayanda Ndamane / Independent Newspapers

Published May 14, 2024


Your edition Monday 13 May – “Developers not being forthcoming with details” refers.

After a disaster like this, we start asking questions such as whether all the workers were registered with the Unemployment Insurance Fund and the Compensation Fund.

We also ask whether the monies deducted from the workers have been paid to the respective entities under the Department of Employment and Labour.

Unfortunately, many employers are not registered and many others are registered but don’t pay over the money. This leaves the employees completely exposed to not being able to claim.

The real issue here is to ensure, regularly, that the inspectors get out there and make sure the necessary inspections are done. We need to point fingers not only at the employers but at the Bargaining Council of the Building Industry and the Department of Employment and Labour.

In particular, our government needs to wake up. It’s all very well for the minister to now come out and shout when the hard work was not done beforehand.

* Michael Bagraim (DA), Highlands Estate.

** The views expressed here are not necessarily those of Independent Media.

Cape Argus

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