Naledi Pandor receives death threats from suspected Israel security forces

Naledi Pandor receives death threats from Israel security forces. Picture: Supplied

Naledi Pandor receives death threats from Israel security forces. Picture: Supplied

Published Feb 12, 2024


Cape Town - International Relations and Co-operation Minister Naledi Pandor says her life might be in danger after she received threats from suspected Israeli agents.

Following these threats, she has asked Police Minister Bheki Cele to beef up her security.

Pandor has been vocal in condemning Israel’s war actions against Gaza, as South Africa took Israel to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) over allegations of genocide.

Pandor told journalists at the State of the Nation Address that she had spoken to Cele over concerns for her family’s security.

“I spoke to Minister Cele because of the messages I was getting, and I felt it would be better to have extra security. What I am more concerned about is my family because in some social media messages, my children are mentioned,” said Pandor.

“The Israeli agents, the intelligence services – this is how they behave, and they seek to intimidate you, so we must not be intimidated. There is a cause that is under way,” Pandor said.

Cele’s office did not respond to a request for comment yesterday while Pandor’s spokesperson, Lunga Ngqengelele, said they could not comment on the matter as it would be “tantamount to defying the whole purpose of the security”.

South Africa’s case against Israel at the ICJ has been regarded as a landmark moment in the struggle for justice for Palestinians.

The ruling by ICJ judges ordered Israel to do all it could to prevent death, destruction, and any acts of genocide against Palestinians.

Last week, Pandor said that Israel was ignoring the ICJ as hundreds of civilians in Gaza were killed since the January 26 ruling.

“The people of the world and of Palestine didn’t draw back when the apartheid state was at its worst; they stood with the liberation movement.

“We cannot back down now. We must be with them. One of the things we must not allow is the failure of courage. It is extremely important that we continue with this,” said Pandor.

Following this news, people have come out in support of Pandor, offering words of encouragement. “Nadeli Pandor, do not be disheartened.

“You have the respect, admiration, and blessing of millions, if not billions, of decent people.

“Nadeli Pandor, you are the Rosa Parks of this century.

“Posterity will reward you for your courage, grace, and refusal to ignore injustice. Stay blessed,” said an X (formerly Twitter) user, Aftab Hamid.