Bonteheuwel mum given a life sentence for selling naked pictures of her child on the internet

The Bonteheuwel woman who was arrested by the FBI was sentenced to life imprisonment for selling naked pictures of her young child. File Picture: FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation/Facebook

The Bonteheuwel woman who was arrested by the FBI was sentenced to life imprisonment for selling naked pictures of her young child. File Picture: FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation/Facebook

Published Jun 9, 2023


Cape Town - The National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) confirmed that the Bonteheuwel woman who sold pictures of her naked child on the internet was sentenced to life imprisonment six months ago.

Police spokesperson Joseph Swartbooi said the woman was charged with manufacturing child pornography, possession of child pornography, distribution of child pornography, financial gain from child pornography and rape.

NPA regional spokesperson Eric Ntabazalila said the FBI picked this up on the internet and an agent from the Homeland Security Department acted as a buyer and traced her to Bonteheuwel via geotagging in July 2021.

The woman can’t be named to protect the identity of the victim, who was 4 years old at the time of the arrest.

He said the State and defence entered into a plea and sentencing agreement. “This matter was finalised through a 105A (plea and sentencing agreement) on November 25, 2022 ... I confirm she was sentenced to 25 years’ imprisonment.”

Bonteheuwel councillor Angus Mckenzie lauded the court for the sentencing of the convicted mom.

“A mother from Bonteheuwel who, for an extended period of time, sexually abused and exploited her young children will, for the next 25 years, need to deal with the pain, trauma and suffering she inflicted on them.

“She was found guilty on 70 counts ranging from rape to sexual assault, using children for pornographic purposes and distribution of child porn, to mention a few.

“This investigation was initiated by the American FBI and Homeland Security and handed over to South African authorities,” he added.

“This long-winded trial, which I tracked appearance after appearance, has now ended, and the rebuilding of the children’s lives can start.

“I promised we would see justice in the case, and we have that justice.

“Let this be a lesson to other deranged individuals. You will be caught, and I will not rest until justice is served.”

Cape Argus