Infra-red cameras capture rare footage of stump-tailed macaques in China’s Yunnan province

Stump-tailed macaques were captured on camera at 18 monitoring sites at the Gaoligong Mountain National Nature Reserve in south-west China’s Yunnan province.

Stump-tailed macaques were captured on camera at 18 monitoring sites at the Gaoligong Mountain National Nature Reserve in south-west China’s Yunnan province.

Published Aug 24, 2021


Infra-red cameras have recently captured footage of stump-tailed macaques at 18 monitoring sites at the Gaoligong Mountain National Nature Reserve in south-west China’s Yunnan province.

Gaoligong Mountain, where the nature reserve is located, boasts high vegetation coverage and is completely undisturbed by human activities. Since the nature reserve installed infrared cameras in 2016, a rising number of stump-tailed macaques have been discovered there, according to Tang Jianyan, head of a protection site administered by the nature reserve.

Stump-tailed macaques, which are under class-two state protection, are mostly found in subtropical evergreen forests between 1,500 meters and 3,000 meters above sea level.

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