Don’t become a crime stat this festive season. Here’s how

Make sure you don’t let your guard down and become a crime statistic this festive season. File Image: IOL

Make sure you don’t let your guard down and become a crime statistic this festive season. File Image: IOL

Published Dec 27, 2022


By Wynand van Vuuren

It’s December. Everyone’s tired, and ready for a break. But whether you’re heading off on holiday or slaying it with a staycation, make sure you don’t let your guard down and become a crime statistic this festive season.

According to StatsSA, housebreaking is still the number one crime in South Africa, with a massive uptick in housebreaking incidences in June and December. Patterns over the past three years show a clear spike in claims over the festive season, as people purchase more high-value items during this time of the year and tend to be distracted by the holiday mood.

So what can you do to keep yourself and your stuff safe this festive season?

Step up your security

December is peak housebreaking time. If you leave your house, even just for a few minutes, make sure that your doors and windows are secured, and your alarm is armed. Keep the electric fence on and the gates locked when you’re entertaining, and don’t let your guests park on the pavement. Lock away any tools that could be used to break into your own home.

Get more neighbourly

One of the biggest contributors to suburban crime is that neighbours don’t communicate with each other. If you’re going away and don’t have a house-sitter, alert your security company and neighbourhood watch that you’ll be away.

Make it seem as though you’re home

Leave your TV on, along with some lights. You could even install a timer to make lights go on and off at various times. And get someone to clear your postbox: Nothing says ‘empty home’ like a pile of flyers and newspapers stacking up in your mailbox.

Be smart out there

Don’t let the festive season cloud your thinking. Focus. Don’t leave your Christmas shopping on the back-seat or put the empty boxes for big-ticket items like a new TV on the pavement.

Easy with the social media

We know you’re an influencer, and your friends and family are dying to see photos of your feet and a cocktail in some exotic location. But make sure your pictures aren’t public. Or you may as well put a banner outside your house that says: We’re not here.

Make sure your insurance is on point

Don’t get caught without cover when you need it the most. Check that your car, buildings and home contents insurance is up to date. Insure your valuable pressies before they’re opened. And if you’ve bought new, high-value items on Black Friday sales, or for Christmas, make sure that you specify them on your policy. They’re not automatically covered under your home contents or portable possessions insurance.

Wynand van Vuuren is King Price Insurance’s client experience partner


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